Tag Archives: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Palisades nuclear plant critics vow to continue fight over ‘thermal shock’ issue via SNL

By Matthew Bandyk Another bout between federal regulators and environmental groups over Entergy Corp.’s Palisades nuclear plant is beginning, with the opposition to the plant saying unearthed information reinforces the case that the facility on Lake Michigan needs complicated and … Continue reading

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NRC management of FOIA requests puzzling experts via Enformable

[…] In October 2014, I participated in a meeting with Dave Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists, Lawrence Criscione (who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but was participating in the meeting as a private citizen), Tim Judson of Nuclear … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power and Climate Change via Huff Post Politics

By Gregory Jaczko As world leaders convene in Paris in an attempt to prevent a rise in global temperatures, the nuclear industry has — not surprisingly — seized this moment to once again promise the perfect solution to the climate … Continue reading

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Declassified U.S. Government Report Prepared a Week After Fukushima Accident: ‘100% of The Total Spent Fuel Was Released to the Atmosphere from Unit 4’ via David Icke

[…] The same year, we reported that the U.S. knew within days of the Fukushima accident that Fukushima had melted down … but failed to tell the public. […] Now, a declassified report written by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission … Continue reading

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Radiation is not good for people via Pantagraph.com

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering a change in the basis of its regulatory work and we have until Nov. 19 as the deadline for public comment. The change being proposed is to eliminate the “linear no-threshold” basis of radiation … Continue reading

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[…] Behind its idyllic, tranquil façade and illusions of peace, harmony, and vibrant wholesomeness, Concord hides its dirtiest little secret. The Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) have designated a nuclear waste dump … Continue reading

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Watts Bar nuclear reactor granted operating license – first new U.S. reactor in 19 years via the timesfreepress

Federal regulators today approved an operating license for TVA’s Watts Bar Unit 2, allowing the first new American nuclear plant to begin operation in nearly two decades. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission today approved an operating license for the second … Continue reading

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EXCLUSIVE: 3 Westinghouse workers burned in Columbia plant incident Friday via The State

COLUMBIA, SC Steam that erupted from a wash tank at the Columbia Westinghouse nuclear fuel production plant injured three workers early Friday morning, closed the final fuel rod assembly area and triggered an internal investigation, a plant spokeswoman told The … Continue reading

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NY congressman questions impact of climate change on nuclear facilities via SNL

By Matthew Bandyk Citing a recent incident at Entergy Corp.’s Pilgrim plant in Massachusetts, Tonko questioned the four members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission about what should be done about this potential problem as they testified at a Sept. … Continue reading

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Feds Investigate Radiation Exposure at Idaho Nuclear Plant via Magicvalley.com

IDAHO FALLS (AP) | The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating a recent incident at a plant that manufactures radioactive products in Idaho Falls. The Post Register reports that a technician at International Isotopes was exposed to more radiation on Aug. … Continue reading

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