Tag Archives: Nuclear power

Uranium Atlas 2020 via Nuclear Free Future Foundation, Rosa-Luxemburg-Siftung, Beyond Nuclear, and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

The Uranium Atlas is free to download or to post to your website. View or download here. The Uranium Atlas tells the global story of uranium through maps, graphics and narratives covering every phase of the uranium fuel chain. The raw … Continue reading

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Sinop Nuclear Plant: Turkey seeks an EIA without a company for a reference reactor via DiaNuke.org

Pinar Demircan The final EIA process has been initiated for Turkey’s proposed second nuclear power plant project. However, the EIA which was started to evaluate the impact of the nuclear power plant to its surroundings neither has a valid agreement … Continue reading

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UK Electricity: Renewables and the problem with inflexible nuclear via ianfairlie.org

In recent years, the share of the UK’s electricity supplied by renewable energy (RE) sources has increased substantially to the point that RE is now the second largest source after gas: It now supplies 20% to 25% of our electrical … Continue reading

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A World of Potential Bombs via PCU Nagasaki Council for Nuclear Weapons Abolition


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Nuclear power uses market fix to stifle wind energy via Climate News Network

June 18, 2020, by Paul Brown UK wind energy is forced to shut down to let more expensive nuclear stations go on operating at full power. LONDON, 18 June, 2020 − The United Kingdom’s nuclear industry is hindering the use of … Continue reading

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New nuclear power plant planned for Suffolk coast would be devastating for wildlife via Beyond Nuclear International

EDF wants to plow ahead (literally) with its #SizewellC nuclear reactor plan on the Suffolk, UK coast (to be built on the beach virtually at sea level during a time of erosion and climate crisis), which would tear up and permanently destroy … Continue reading

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Anti–nuclear resistance in Russia: problems, protests, reprisals via Russian Social Ecological Union/Friends of the Earth Russia

Table of Contents: Introduction Nuclear energy: failures and lies Expired reactors Decommissioning problems Uranium mining protest Rosatom Importing uranium waste The Mayak plant: Rosatom’s dirty face Struggle against nuclear repository Rosatom’s ‘death plants’ A road through a radioactive graveyard Conclusion: … Continue reading

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Covid-19 strains French nuclear model via Petroleum Economist

Workplace restrictions could hasten the decline of France’s fleet of baseload generators Nowhere on earth embraced nuclear power as enthusiastically as France. In 2019, 70pc of its power output was fuelled by uranium rather than gas, coal or renewable sources. … Continue reading

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Fermi 2 struggles with large COVID-19 outbreak among workers via Windsor Star

Dave Battagello  •  Windsor StarPublishing date:May 12, 2020  A large COVID-19 outbreak among employees at Fermi 2 nuclear power plant has led to mandated testing of every employee at the facility which will remain shutdown indefinitely. Employee online Facebook accounts suggest … Continue reading

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Big is not so beautiful in Grid talks to power down via The Times

Emily Gosden, Energy Editor, 5 May 2020, The TimesMore than £50 million could be paid to EDF to reduce power output from Britain’s largest nuclear reactor and avert the risk of blackouts this summer. National Grid is negotiating with the French … Continue reading

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