Tag Archives: health

Ann Arbor officials propose stockpiling potassium iodide in case of nuclear disaster via Michigan Live

By Ryan Stanton | ryanstanton@mlive.com ANN ARBOR, MI – On a day when temperatures dropped to 18 degrees below zero, it’s hard to think about much else. But Ann Arbor officials have another thing on their minds: preparing for a … Continue reading

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Nuclear facility operator reports radioactive leak via NHK World

The operator of a nuclear facility, north of Tokyo, says radioactive substances leaked while workers were changing plastic bags and packing a container with material for nuclear fuel inside. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency made the revelation on Thursday, a … Continue reading

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Cost to taxpayers to clean up nuclear waste jumps $100 billion in a year via NBC News

An Energy Department report shows the projected cost for long-term nuclear waste cleanup overseen by DOE jumped $100 billion in just one year. By Laura Strickler WASHINGTON — The estimated cost of cleaning up America’s nuclear waste has jumped more … Continue reading

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SC, Savannah River Site needs to stay out of the nuclear weapons business via the State

Gov. McMaster should refuse any government requests to create plutonium pits in South Carolina. Our beautiful state has become a nuclear waste ground. The Department of Energy continues to spend billions on nuclear cleanup of waste that has no repository. … Continue reading

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Letter: Nuclear power option includes a lot of risk of exposure via Gainesville Times

[…] Life didn’t begin on Earth until the background radiation from the Big Bang dropped below a certain level, and even then, life began in the sea where it was shielded by the water.   We still protect ourselves from … Continue reading

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Girl, 11, exposed to high radiation levels after 2011 nuclear disaster via The Asahi Shimbun

An 11-year-old girl who evacuated from the town of Futaba after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster was likely exposed to radiation levels near the government-set standard, despite assurances that no children were exposed to such high doses. The girl is … Continue reading

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Greenpeace slams Japan’s plan to dump radioactive Fukushima water into the ocean via South China Morning Post

Julian Ryall The decision by the government and the tsunami-devastated plant’s operator to release contaminated water into the Pacific was ‘driven by short-term cost-cutting’, a new study has found Greenpeace has slammed a plan by the Japanese government and an … Continue reading

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‘We made atomic bombs’: Nuclear Care Partners helps with aftermath of workplace radiation via KVAL

COBURG, Ore. – In the 1960s, Jim Lewis worked at Colorado’s Rocky Flats nuclear power plant. “At that plant,” Lewis said, “we made atomic bombs.” After three months working as a janitor, he ended up on the assembly line. That’s … Continue reading

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Fukushima Residents Return Despite Radiation via Scientific American

Jane Braxton Little Eight years after the nuclear meltdown, wary citizens are moving back to contaminated homesteads—some not by choice When the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant began spewing radioactive particles after it was clobbered by a tsunami in March … Continue reading

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First step to a solution on nuclear waste: End Yucca Mountain via Las Vegas Sun

By Judy Treichel There is an interesting phenomenon at the Department of Energy when it comes to the disposal of high-level nuclear waste. When a new concept for getting rid of waste is proposed, the reaction from the department is: … Continue reading

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