Tag Archives: health

Campaigns focus on economy and Constitution, but nuclear disaster-hit Fukushima sees other priorities via The Japan Times

[…] But for residents of Fukushima Prefecture — many of whom are still recovering from the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami that triggered a nuclear disaster — the focus is on when their lives will return … Continue reading

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Chairman of nuclear safety board secretly proposes to abolish it via USA Today

The chairman of a panel charged with protecting workers at nuclear weapons facilities as well as nearby communities has told the White House he favors downsizing or abolishing the group, despite recent radiation and workplace safety problems that injured or … Continue reading

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Australia’s nuclear testing before the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne should be a red flag for Fukushima in 2020 via The Conversation

The scheduling of Tokyo 2020 Olympic events at Fukushima is being seen as a public relations exercise to dampen fears over continuing radioactivity from the reactor explosion that followed the massive earthquake six years ago. It brings to mind the … Continue reading

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[VIDEO] The robots helping to clear up Fukushima via BBC

Robots have become central to the cleaning-up operation at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, six years after the tsunami that triggered the nuclear meltdown. It is estimated that around 600 tons of toxic fuel may have leaked out of the … Continue reading

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WTO panel said to back Japan on Fukushima fish ban via Nikkei Asian Review

Tokyo has called South Korean restrictions on seafood imports unfair GENEVA/SEOUL — A World Trade Organization panel has apparently ruled in Japan’s favor in a dispute over South Korean restrictions on imports of Japanese seafood imposed after the 2011 Fukushima … Continue reading

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IAEA Affirms Japan’s Fukushima-Related Radioactivity Monitoring via EOS

Laboratories outside Japan have validated the results. Marine radioactivity levels from the nuclear disaster have fallen, but questions remain years after the meltdown. “Fukushima: Japanese Government Guilty of Destroying Pacific Ocean” runs a headline from earlier this year on a … Continue reading

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Fukushima Evacuee Blames Japan for Human Rights Violations via News Click

A district court in Japan had ruled the government and Tepco liable for the nuclear disaster. Mitsuko Sonoda, a Fukushima resident who had to leave her home after the nuclear meltdown testified on Thursday at the UN Human Rights Council … Continue reading

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Fukushima evacuee to tell UN that Japan violated human rights via The Guardian

Mitsuko Sonoda will say evacuees face financial hardship and are being forced to return to homes they believe are unsafe A nuclear evacuee from Fukushima will claim Japan’s government has violated the human rights of people who fled their homes … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste stranded at Indian Point as feds search for permanent solution via loud

The bold plan to rid the nation’s nuclear power plants of spent fuel that’s been piling up for decades is spelled out, down to the tiniest of details, in a 2002 Department of Energy report that took years to produce … Continue reading

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France’s nuclear spent-fuel pools major security risk: Greenpeace via Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) – The spent-fuel pools of French utility EDF’s nuclear reactors are highly vulnerable to attacks, Greenpeace said in a report published on Tuesday. Written by a group of nuclear experts and delivered to French authorities, the report says … Continue reading

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