Tag Archives: Germany

Time for nuclear sharing to end via Open Democracy

You have to keep threatening to use nuclear weapons to make nuclear deterrence work. A view from Germany on the planned deployment of new US nuclear weapons. It was already announced some years ago, but last week Germany woke up to … Continue reading

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Why Bernie and Hillary Must Address America’s Dying Nuke Reactors via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman s the first Democrat presidential debate finally approaches (on Oct. 13), America’s nuke power industry is in accelerated collapse. The few remaining construction projects in the U.S. and Europe are engineering and economic disasters. Presidential candidates Hillary … Continue reading

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E.ON, Fortum to discuss shutdown of two Swedish nuclear reactors via Reuters

Shareholders of Sweden’s Oskarshamn nuclear power plant, Germany’s E.ON and Finland’s Fortum, will meet on Oct. 14 to discuss decommissioning plans for two reactors, plant operator OKG said on Wednesday. The shareholders are to discuss whether to keep Oskarshamn-2 nuclear … Continue reading

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US Replacing Old Nuclear Weapon Elements With New Ones via Sputnik

German Ambassador to Russia Rudiger von Fritsch said that Washington plans to replace components on existing nuclear weapons in Germany. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United States is replacing old components on existing nuclear weapons in Germany and not deploying new arms, German … Continue reading

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Expert touts renewable energy via Taipei Times

‘HUMANITY AT CROSSROADS’:Hans Schellnhuber said Germany is an example for Taiwan of how to transition from coal and nuclear power to renewable energy sources To combat global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, developing renewable energy is the only way to … Continue reading

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Nuclear clean-up costs via Clean Energy Wire

Decommissioning, storing, transporting and re-storing: Ridding Germany of its nuclear heritage comes with a hefty price tag. Some of the costs will be covered by the state but utilities are liable for most of the clean-up. How much will it … Continue reading

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Why Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power is smart economics via RenewEconomy

Germany has made a formal commitment to phase out the use of nuclear power by 2022. Erik Gawel and Sebastian Strunz write on the implications of the strategy for Germany’s future energy mix and whether the approach adopted in the country could function as … Continue reading

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Germany’s next nuclear plant closes for good via Energy Transition

And then there were eight… This weekend, the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear plant in northern Bavaria will shut down permanently. It is the first nuclear plant to close since 2011. […] After 33 years in operation, the nuclear reactor at Grafenrheinfeld – … Continue reading

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‘Green superpower’ Germany plots the way to a low-carbon world, closing Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant via The Sydney Morning Herald

Many countries face challenges in cutting greenhouse emissions but few set their bar as high as Germany. Germany will permanently close the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant in the country’s south on Saturday, the latest in a phase-out that is scheduled … Continue reading

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Alarm Spreads Over Meltdown at French Nuclear Plant via sputniknews

The French nuclear safety watchdog says it has found “multiple failure modes” that carry “grave consequences” on crucial safety relief valves on the Flamanville nuclear plant in northern France, which could lead to meltdown. The new-build facility, that has been … Continue reading

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