Tag Archives: Fukushima Daiichi

Radiation Still Leaking Into Nearby Japanese Waters via Reader Supported News

ore than 18 months after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, 40-foot tsunami and nuclear power plant woes that struck Japan starting March 11, 2011, levels of radioactive cesium 134 and cesium 137 originating from the crippled Fukushima-Daiichi plant remain elevated in … Continue reading

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M5.6 quake jolts Miyagi Pref., no tsunami warning issued via The Mainichi

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 jolted Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan early Thursday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said, issuing no tsunami warning. There were no immediate reports of major injuries, local officials said. No abnormalities have been … Continue reading

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Spent Fuel Rods Drive Growing Fear Over Plant in Japan via The New York Times

TOKYO — What passes for normal at the Fukushima Daiichi plant today would have caused shudders among even the most sanguine of experts before an earthquake and tsunami set off the world’s second most serious nuclear crisis after Chernobyl.Fourteen months … Continue reading

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Water inside Fukushima No. 1 reactor may be only 40 cm deep via The Mainichi

TOKYO (Kyodo) — An analysis by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization has shown that the level of the water filling the crippled No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may be far lower than estimated by … Continue reading

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Fukushima nuclear disaster: who profits and who pays? via Greenpeace

Last week, the inevitable finally happened. The company responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, has been nationalised. Japan’s trade and industry minister Yukio Edano announced a de facto state take-over of the company with … Continue reading

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Fukushima No. 2 reactor radiation level up to 73 sieverts per hour via

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said Tuesday that the radiation level inside the crippled No. 2 reactor stood at an extremely high level between 31.1 and 72.9 sieverts per hour, underscoring the existence of radioactive substances … Continue reading

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