Tag Archives: food

New regime for food radiation tests via The Japan Times

The health ministry has issued to municipalities unified radiation testing guidelines effectively requiring regular sample checks on any food item that has a cesium reading of 50 becquerels per kilogram in current or past random inspections. The nonbinding guidelines take … Continue reading

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Sizing Up Health Impacts a Year After Fukushima via The New York Times

Health impacts from the radioactive materials released in the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns will probably be too small to be easily measured, according to experts assembled by the Health Physics Society for a panel discussion on Thursday. And the area cordoned … Continue reading

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Fukushima’s fallout: Farmers suffer as buyers reject food even though it’s safe via Toronto Star

MINAMISOMA, JAPAN—Farming is the only thing Hitoshi Onoda knows — it is what he has done for the past 35 years. So when wholesalers in Tokyo told him last summer they did not want strawberries from his farm any longer, … Continue reading

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Fukushima Symposium at Willamette University

Live Streaming/Digital Recordings

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Despite Fukushima disaster, anti-nuclear activists fight uphill battle in Japan via The Christian Science MonitorDespite Fukushima disaster, anti-nuclear activists fight uphill battle in Japan

The triple meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant last March unleashed the largest wave of public protest the country, not known for its activism, has seen in decades. But activists say they are struggling to turn widespread anger … Continue reading

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Dairy firms to disclose milk radiation test results via The Japan Times Online

Major dairy companies will inspect the milk products they produce in 17 prefectures in northeastern and central Japan for radioactive contamination and disclose their findings to the public at the end of February, an industry body said Wednesday. The checks … Continue reading

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‘Shadow meals’ employed to keep families safe from radiation via The Mainichi Daily News

The practice of kagezen — literally “shadow meal” — entails setting out meals at home for a family member who is absent, in hopes that they will be safe while traveling. Meals were commonly prepared by family members waiting at … Continue reading

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Japanese Struggle to Protect Their Food Supply via The New York Times

ONAMI, Japan — In the fall, as this valley’s rice paddies ripened into a carpet of gold, inspectors came to check for radioactive contamination. Setsuko Suzuki, 56, of Fukushima, took cabbage and rice to a citizens’ radiation testing center. Onami … Continue reading

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After Fukushima, fish tales via The Gazette

After the world’s WORST nuclear accident in 25 years, authorities in Canada said people living here were safe and faced no health risks from the fallout from Fukushima. They said most of the radiation from the crippled Japanese nuclear power … Continue reading

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Co-op checking meals for cesium via The Japan Times Online

The Japanese Consumers’ Cooperative Union said Thursday it is monitoring how much radioactive material is contained in household meals to help ease consumer worries. The co-op said it started the study Dec. 15 on meals at about 250 households in … Continue reading

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