Tag Archives: EU

Insight – The cost of caring for Europe’s elderly nuclear plants via Reuters

(Reuters) – Europe’s ageing nuclear fleet will undergo more prolonged outages over the next few years, reducing the reliability of power supply and costing plant operators many millions of dollars. Nuclear power provides about a third of the European Union’s … Continue reading

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The EU’s nuclear links with Russia via BBC News

Following the loss of the Malaysian airliner last week, European leaders are once again wrestling with the question of how to respond to Russia over its role in the Ukraine crisis. They are reluctant to get tough, much more so … Continue reading

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Ten nations petition Brussels for nuclear via World Nuclear News

The Czech government has expressed the common view of ten European countries in favour of nuclear power in a letter to the European Commission. Citing market failures that prevent new nuclear build from supporting European goals for energy security, sustainability … Continue reading

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CEZ Cancels $10 Billion Nuclear Tender on Unfavorable Economics, EU Policy via The Wall Street Journal

PRAGUE—Czech power company CEZ AS BAACEZ.PR -1.25% Thursday abruptly canceled its $10 billion tender for two new nuclear reactors one year ahead of the planned 2015 deadline to pick the winner, leaving the U.S. and Russian companies that had made … Continue reading

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Nuclear Subsidy Deal ‘Will Kill Renewables’ via Climate news network

The battle over the UK’s plan to subsidise nuclear power will decide Europe’s energy mix for the next 50 years, say critics. LONDON, 7 April – The United Kingdom’s plans to build heavily subsidised nuclear power stations have come under … Continue reading

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Europe’s Nuclear Plants Threaten Millions with ‘New Era of Risk’: Report via Common Dreams

Greenpeace highlights risks of continent’s aging nuclear fleet Many nuclear power plants in Europe have passed their expiration date and pose a threat to millions of people, yet they continue to be heavily integrated into energy programs across the continent, … Continue reading

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Old nuclear reactors can’t save the climate via Greenpeace

Today 240 activists are taking action across Europe to highlight the risk of ageing nuclear reactors. There’s an ongoing action inside Tihange in Belgium. In Switzerland activists have unfolded banners inside the Beznau II, the oldest nuclear power plant in … Continue reading

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静岡茶、検査不要に=対日食品規制「大幅」見直し-EU via 時事ドットコム

【ブリュッセル時事】欧州連合(EU)の欧州委員会は21日、東京電力福島第1原発事故に伴う日本産食品の輸入規制を一部見直すと発表した。輸出前の放射 性物質検査を求めている福島など15都県産品のうち、東京、神奈川の2都県産品や、静岡産の茶などについて検査を不要とした。施行は4月1日。 群馬、茨城、栃木、宮城、埼玉、岩手、千葉の7県産品についても、検査品目を緩和する。EU当局者は「大幅な(検査)品目数の削減になる」と説明した。 続きは静岡茶、検査不要に=対日食品規制「大幅」見直し-EU

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EU criticizes UK for state aid to new Hinkley C nuclear reactors via Greenpeace

For a full briefing on the Commissions comments please go to Energydesk. The European Commission (EC) has delivered what can only be called a scathing initial verdict on the UK Government’s deal with French state owned EDF to build the … Continue reading

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Nuclear deal between Russia and Hungary via euronews

Moscow is to lend Budapest up to 10 billion euros in a nuclear cooperation agreement finalised during a visit to Russia by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The leader of the former Soviet bloc state had warm praise for his … Continue reading

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