Tag Archives: EU

“Nuclear industry touts safety of new reactors in Finland in shadow of Japan crisis” via The Washington Post

OLKILUOTO, Finland — Halfway around the globe from Japan’s atomic emergency, engineers building a cutting-edge nuclear reactor along Finland’s icy shores insist the same crisis could never happen here. And that’s not only because Finland is seismically stable. The 1,600-megawatt … Continue reading

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“Historic Victory for Anti-Nuclear German Greens” via Readers Supported News

Germany’s anti-nuclear Greens on Sunday scored a remarkable victory over chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative party in a state election that had turned into a referendum on nuclear power in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster. The Greens doubled their voter … Continue reading

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“Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power” via The Guardian

You will not be surprised to hear that the events in Japan have changed my view of nuclear power. You will be surprised to hear how they have changed it. As a result of the disaster at Fukushima, I am … Continue reading

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“One Step Closer to a Thorium Fueled Power Plant” via New Energy and Fuel

Alf Bjorseth, famed venture investor and Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) founder is behind the nuclear startup Thor Energy. Thor Energy will conduct a series of tests with Swedish utility Vattenfall to study the feasibility of thorium reactors. The nations of … Continue reading

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“Green nuclear power coming to Norway” via COSMOS magazine

SYDNEY: Safer, cleaner nuclear power is a step closer to reality after Norway’s state-owned energy company, Statkraft, this week announced plans to investigate building a thorium-fuelled nuclear reactor. Statkraft (which translates to “state power”) announced an alliance with regional power … Continue reading

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“Germany set to abandon nuclear power for good” via Yahoo! News

BERLIN – Germany is determined to show the world how abandoning nuclear energy can be done. The world’s fourth-largest economy stands alone among leading industrialized nations in its decision to stop using nuclear energy because of its inherent risks. It … Continue reading

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“The Earthquake in Japanese Energy Policy” via Japan Focus

More than a week after March 11, when northeastern Japan was hit by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and 7-metre tsunami, the death toll remains unknown. It seems certain to exceed 20,000, as whole sections of some communities were washed out … Continue reading

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“The lessons of Fukushima” via the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

As an anthropologist, I am always interested in what humans learn from their mistakes. Can humans change their behavior, thereby improving their chances of survival, not just through natural selection, but also through cultural learning? Or are we hardwired to … Continue reading

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“Germany Closes 7 Aging Nuclear Plants as EU Calls for Nuclear Plant Stress Tests” via care2

Germany has temporarily shut down seven nuclear power plants that began operating before 1980, and the government has promised to study ways to speed up the adoption of renewable energy in the wake of the catastrophic events in Japan’s Fukushima … Continue reading

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