Tag Archives: De/Contamination

Japan Split on Hope for Vast Radiation Cleanup via The New York Times

Now, Japan is drawing up plans for a cleanup that is both monumental and unprecedented, in the hopes that those displaced can go home. The debate over whether to repopulate the area, if trial cleanups prove effective, has become a … Continue reading

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Sunflowers next to useless for nuclear decontamination via asahi.com

Farm ministry research has dashed hopes that sunflower seeds planted in areas around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant would help clean up radioactive contamination. The seeds were sown within the evacuation areas in the belief they would soak … Continue reading

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Towns avoid govt help on decontamination via The Yomiuri Onlineri

MAEBASHI–Municipalities contaminated with radiation as a result of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant are concerned that the central government’s plan to designate municipalities for which it will shoulder the cost of decontamination will stigmatize those … Continue reading

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What’s the Fallout for Dogs Near Fukushima? via PBS Newshour

At the tail end of Miles O’Brien’s latest NewsHour report on radiation in Japan, a golden dog with a thick red collar trots into the street of the abandoned town, Katsurao, and weaves along the center divider. Miles asks, off … Continue reading

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Fukushima: Rainfall brings Re-contamination via The Canadian

(Mainichi.JP) — As the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Plant drags on, worries are growing particularly among Fukushima Prefecture residents over drawn-out and in some cases apparently futile nuclear decontamination operations. The unease is especially strong in areas … Continue reading

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IAEA team: limit decontamination via The Japan Times Online

A research team from the International Atomic Energy Agency submitted a report to the government Friday that commends Japan’s decontamination efforts but suggests that attempting to remove radiation from every affected area would be counterproductive. In short, they said trying … Continue reading

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IAEA urges Japan to be less conservative in nuclear cleanup via Reuters

(Reuters) – Japan should be less conservative in cleaning up vast areas contaminated by radiation from the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, a team of visiting U.N. nuclear experts said on Friday. Japan is burdened with the task of … Continue reading

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Gov’t to decontaminate areas with radiation exposure of 5 millisieverts or more per year via The Mainichi Daily News

The Environment Ministry has decided to decontaminate areas where people could be exposed to radiation of 5 millisieverts or more per year by removing up to 28.78 million cubic meters of radioactively contaminated soil in Fukushima and four other adjacent … Continue reading

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Fukushima : la décontamination impossible via Politis.fr

Quatre mois après la catastrophe de Fukushima, le Japon reste confronté à des difficultés insolubles. Le point. Chaque jour, les journaux japonais découvrent un nouveau problème grave lié à la catastrophe de Fukushima, aux rejets radioactifs des trois réacteurs toujours … Continue reading

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