Tag Archives: nuclear waste

Cost to taxpayers to clean up nuclear waste jumps $100 billion in a year via NBC News

An Energy Department report shows the projected cost for long-term nuclear waste cleanup overseen by DOE jumped $100 billion in just one year. By Laura Strickler WASHINGTON — The estimated cost of cleaning up America’s nuclear waste has jumped more … Continue reading

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US to Offer Nuclear Waste Technology to Other Countries via Voice of America

The U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear security office is developing a project to help other countries deal with nuclear waste. The information comes from two sources who spoke to the Reuters news agency. They asked not to be named because … Continue reading

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SC, Savannah River Site needs to stay out of the nuclear weapons business via the State

Gov. McMaster should refuse any government requests to create plutonium pits in South Carolina. Our beautiful state has become a nuclear waste ground. The Department of Energy continues to spend billions on nuclear cleanup of waste that has no repository. … Continue reading

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Toxic legacy: what to do with Britain’s nuclear waste – Science Weekly podcast via The Guardian

The UK has a problem and it isn’t going to go away anytime soon. But what to do about it? This week Geoff Marsh explores plans to bury the UK’s nuclear waste deep underground The UK was a pioneer of … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste has been piling up across America with nowhere to go. Congress needs to act via Los Angeles Times

By DAVID G. VICTOR, DAN STETSON and JERRY KERN At 74 sites around the country, radioactive waste from the nation’s commercial nuclear reactors is accumulating with no place to go. The long-standing problem is becoming a logistical and administrative nightmare. … Continue reading

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Why Excluding Nuclear, Fossils With Carbon Capture, & Biofuels From The Green New Deal Makes Financial & Climate Sense — #RealityCheck via Clean Technica

Mark Z. Jacobson […] Here is why nuclear, fossils with CCS, and biofuels should be excluded. […] For example, onshore wind and utility PV are now the cheapest forms of electricity in most countries, including the U.S. New nuclear today … Continue reading

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US Panel to Hear Arguments in Nuclear Waste Storage Case via U.S.News

Environmentalists and nuclear watchdog groups are lining up against plans to build a $2.4 billion storage facility in southeastern New Mexico for spent nuclear fuel from commercial reactors around the United States. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Environmentalists and nuclear watchdog … Continue reading

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USA clears way for HALEU via World Nuclear News

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has completed an environmental assessment clearing the way for the fabrication of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel for advanced nuclear reactors at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Meanwhile, the US Department of Defense (DOD) … Continue reading

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Greenpeace slams Japan’s plan to dump radioactive Fukushima water into the ocean via South China Morning Post

Julian Ryall The decision by the government and the tsunami-devastated plant’s operator to release contaminated water into the Pacific was ‘driven by short-term cost-cutting’, a new study has found Greenpeace has slammed a plan by the Japanese government and an … Continue reading

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75 Years of Hanford: Open to Interpretations via Tri-City Herald

BY ROY GEPHART During the autumn of 1944, the world’s first full-scale nuclear reactor (B Reactor) and chemical reprocessing plant (T Plant) came online to produce weapon-grade plutonium at the top-secret Hanford Site. These plants forever altered the strategies of … Continue reading

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