Tag Archives: Czech Republic

France’s Areva strikes back over Czech Temelin tender via actualne.cz

Prague – French company Areva, one of the three bidders for a multi-billion Temelín expansion contract, promised to subcontract 70 percent of the works to Czech firms. The French company signed contracts with 14 Czech firms that will be subcontracted … Continue reading

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Czechs Downsize Nuclear Power Ambitions via Nuclear Power Industry News

… In an interview with the Hospodarske Noviny newspaper, Martin Kuba described a proposal to reach 80 percent nuclear power by 2060 as economically unrealistic. Instead, he said it is more likely that the Eastern European country will complete two … Continue reading

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CEZ likely to scale back nuclear expansion plan via Reuters

Jan 9 (Reuters) – Czech power company CEZ will likely scale back its nuclear expansion tender because of new legal restrictions on public procurement, a decision that would reduce the potential size of the deal by some $15 billion. A … Continue reading

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