Category: Upcoming Events

Tues, April 25: Dr. Ramin Takloo-Bigash

By , April 23, 2017 2:34 pm

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, April 25 at 4:30pm with
Dr. Ramin Takloo-Bighash (UIC):

فرایندهای دموکراتیک در قانون اساسی ایران

“Democratic processes of the Iranian constitution”

 In this talk, intended as a cautionary tale, Dr. Takloo-Bighash will describe the democratic processes present in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He will show that in an abstract sense the current Iranian system of government might be considered a democracy, even though in practice it is not. The talk ends with a discussion of some possible explanations for this discrepancy. 


Tuesday, April 25
4:30 – 6pm in Pick Hall 218
 (5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)

There will be tea & sweets!

Be omid-e didaar,

Jan. 24: Ario Mashayekhi

By , January 21, 2017 8:50 pm

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, January 24 at 4:30pm with artist Ario Mashayekhi:

انسانیت در میان بی رحمی انسان

مشاهده هنری به زیبایی در برابر فجایع انسانی

Humanity Amidst Inhumanities. An Artistic view to Beauty in the Face of Human Atrocities


(self-portrait of the artist)

Ario Mashayekhi works professionally as a painter, sculptor and actor. In his visual art, Ario illustrates universal human conditions from pain and sorrow and isolation to the struggle to survive and the will to go beyond to promote the beauty and richness of life and the attainment of love. Through the years his artwork has been displayed in many individual & group shows and various publications, and has been honored by several awards. Ario holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Arts, Painting, and Sculpture from the University of Illinois at Chicago.


This talk will be in Persian. There will be tea & sweets!

Tuesday, Jan. 24
4:30 pm
in Pick Hall 218
(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)


See you there!

Jan. 17: Saeed Yousef reads from his poetry collections

By , January 14, 2017 1:08 pm

Salaam! Please join us for the very first Persian Circle of this year on Tuesday, January 17 at 4:30pm with our own Saeed Yousef Ghahremani:

میان واقع و رؤیا، همیشه شعر پلی ست

سعید یوسف نمونه هائی از اشعار خود را از چهار کتاب شعر جدید که در دست چاپ دارد خواهد خواند


A Bridge between Reality and Dreams

Saeed Yousef reads from his four recent collections of poems (to be released soon)


This talk will be in Persian. There will be an introduction in English for students at 4pm in the NELC Lounge (3rd floor, Pick Hall). Come for tea & sweets!


Tuesday, Jan. 17

4pm: Introduction in English (NELC Lounge, 3rd floor, Pick Hall)

4:30pm: Persian Circle talk (Pick Hall 218)

(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL

Be omid-e didaar,



Nov. 22: Alireza Doostdar on Hollywood, Satanism and Cosmopolitanism

By , November 20, 2016 10:10 pm

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, Nov. 22 with Prof. Alireza Doostdar:

هالیوود، شیطانپرستی و جهانوطنی

Hollywood, Satanism and Cosmopolitanism


In this talk, Prof. Doostdar examines the contrasting ways in which Hollywood supernatural thrillers and horror cinema are received in Iran, and offers some remarks on what these responses reveal about attitudes to cultural differences and the powers that shape them.

*This talk will be in Persian.*

It will be preceded by an introduction to the topic and vocabulary by the speaker, designed to help students learning Persian to follow the talk. To join the introduction, come to the NELC Lounge at 4pm (Pick Hall, 3rd floor). The regular talk starts at 4:30pm in Pick Hall 218.

There will be tea & sweets!
Be omid-e didaar,


Nov. 15: Ahmad Arbaboun on Murtada al-Ansari’s School of Philosophical Jurisprudence

By , November 12, 2016 2:17 pm


Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, November 15 with Ahmad Arbaboun (CMES Alumnus):

مکتب اصول فلسفی شیخ مرتضی انصاری (وفات 1864 میلادی – 1281 هجری قمری)

“Murtaḍá al-Anṣārī’s (d. 1864) School of Philosophical Jurisprudence”


In this talk Ahmad Arbaboun will be looking at a crucial point in the history of Shi’i jurisprudence where after a period of intellectual debates that surrounded the discipline, and in the absence of a strong court support, Murtaḍá al-Anṣārī, a scholar with a wide range of training in the various schools of Shi’i intellectual sciences, formulated a philosophical approach and technique for the discovery of legal rulings. Ansari’s efforts and intellectual capabilities have placed him at the intersection of the three main intellectual currents of his time: the post-Akhbari jurisprudential school of al-Muḥaqqiq al-Qummī, the authoritative school of law of the Kāshif al-Ghiṭā’ family and that of Mullā Aḥmad al-Narāqī’s, and the philosophical school of Mullā Ṣadrā as transmitted to him through Mullā Hādī al-Sabzawārī. Despite the historical significance of these intellectual encounters and the environment in which Ansari’s ideas come to fruition, Ahmad Arbaboun will focus on the philosophical significance of the Ansari school of philosophical jurisprudence by an analysis of Ansari’s corpus of jurisprudential and legal works.

This talk will be preceded by an introduction to the topic and key vocabulary in English, designed to help students learning Persian to follow the talk. To join the introduction, come to the NELC Lounge at 4pm (Pick Hall, Third Floor). The regular talk starts at 4:30pm in Pick Hall 218. During the talk, the speaker will provide explanations for various concepts and arguments in a simpler language, and will encourage students to interrupt when needed. A list of key terminology will be distributed.

Tuesday, Nov. 15
Introduction for students: 4pm in the NELC Lounge (3rd floor, Pick Hall)
Regular talk: 4:30 pm in Pick Hall 218
(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)

Be omid-e didaar,

Tues, Nov. 1: Screening of Marmulak

By , October 31, 2016 7:38 pm


Join the Persian Circle for a screening of


Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4:30-6:30pm

Pick 218


There will be a short introduction before the screening. Come for a relaxing Persian Circle event and have some popcorn!

Be omid-e didaar,

Maryam Sabbaghi: “Exploring Jewish and Zoroastrian Sites in Iran”

By , October 2, 2016 7:42 pm


Please join us for the first Persian Circle of the Autumn Quarter on Oct. 4 with Maryam Sabbaghi (University of Chicago, Divinity school):

       گذری بر مکانهای تاریخی یهودی و زرتشتی در ایران
“Exploring Jewish and Zoroastrian Sites in Iran”

Maryam picture

Maryam will talk about her caffeinated wanderings through various Jewish and Zoroastrian neighborhoods and sites in Tehran, Yazd, and Shiraz. She will also discuss the histories of these old neighborhoods and the people who enrich them today.

*This talk will be in Persian.*

It will be preceded by an introduction to the topic and vocabulary by the speaker, designed to help students learning Persian to follow the talk. There will be tea and sweets, so join us for a cozy afternoon!

Tuesday, Oct. 4
Introduction for students: 4pm | Regular talk: 4:30 pm
Farouk Mustafa Seminar Room (Pick Hall 218)
5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

Persian Circle Quarter Schedule: Autumn 2016

By , September 27, 2016 4:00 pm

Dear friends and colleagues,

welcome back to the new academic year! I’m the student coordinator for the Persian Circle, a weekly event for Persianists, Persian speakers, Persian learners and –lovers!

This year, we will meet on Tuesdays, 4:30-6pm in Pick Hall 218 (5828 S University Ave). We will host faculty, students, and professionals who will present on a variety of topics associated with Persian or Iran. The Persian Circle will first meet next week.

For Autumn quarter, we have exciting talks lined up that you should not miss!

Oct. 4, Maryam Sabbaghi* (University of Chicago): “ گذری بر مکانهای تاریخی یهودی و زرتشتی در ایران –Exploring Jewish and Zoroastrian Sites in Iran

Oct. 11, Adel Javan: “چند نکته پیرامون شعر امروز ایران و شعرخوانی” – A few points on contemporary poetry in Iran and poetry recitation

Special session on Monday, Oct. 17, Sayeh Eghtesadinia: “ – غزل نو در شعر فارسیGhazal- e now in Persian Poetry”, in Pick Hall 218, 4:30-6pm

Oct. 18, Sayeh Eghtesadinia: “فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی  معرفی – Introduction to the Academy of Persian language and Literature”

Oct 25, Prof. Reza Varjavand (Saint Xavier University): تلاش مهاجرین ایرانی‌ برای ساختن هویت در آمریکا” – Immigrant Struggle to Build Identity, the Case of Iranian-Americans.”

Nov. 1, TBA

Nov. 8, Ani Honarchiansaky* (UCLA): جابجايى پيكر قديسين در سر حدات شاهناشاهى ساسانيان و امپراطورى رم”Transferring relics in the borderlands of the Sasanian and Roman Empire”

Nov. 15, Ahmad Arbaboun: مکتب اصولی-فلسفی شیخ مرتضی انصاری (۱۲۸۱-۱۲۱۴ ه.ق): تفکری بر کاربرد فلسلفه در سنت فقهی تشیع دوازده امامی – Murtaḍá al-Anṣārī’s (d. 1864) School of Philosophical Jurisprudence: Thoughts on the Application of Philosophy in the Twelver Shiʿi Legal Tradition”

Nov. 22, Prof. Alireza Doostdar (University of Chicago) “شیطان پرستی، جهان شهرگرایی و پارانویا – Satanism, Cosmopolitanism, and Paranoia”

Nov. 29, Prof. Nasrin Qader (Northwestern): ملاقات در مرز بخت وطالع:’دوتایی پشه’ بقلم آصف سلطانزاده“ – Encounter on the border of chance and destiny: Asef Soltanzadeh’s ‘Two of Clubs’”

*This year, we will have sessions that aim to make talks more accessible for those learning Persian – there will be an introductory part for students with the presenter. Details will follow!

Announcements for event details will be posted around Pick Hall and online, through the Persian list and others, as well as on facebook (

If you would like to present at Persian Circle in Winter or Spring quarter, please feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to coordinate your talk!

There will always be tea and sweets – so come, sit down, treat yourself and be a part of the Persian speaking community.

See you on Tuesdays!
به امید دیدار

“A Look at Shahrzad Series” – Followed by a Screening of the Last Episode

By , May 23, 2016 11:33 am

Nilofar Saraj
نیلوفر سراج

“A Look at Shahrzad Series” – Followed by a Screening of the Last Episode
نگاهی‌ به سریال شهرزاد” همراه با نمایش آخرین قسمت سریال”

Tuesday, May 24, 4:30 pm
Farouk Mustafa Seminar Room (Pick Hall #218)
5828 S. University Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Tentative Spring Quarter Schedule

By , April 8, 2016 8:09 am

Salaam Persian Circlers! Here is our schedule for Spring quarter. It will be updated with more details as they become available. All dates, unless otherwise noted, are Tuesdays at 4:30 pm.

April 5: Shabnam Rahimi-Golkhandan

April 12: Kimia Maleki

April 19: Hossein Khandan

April 26: Afsaneh Kalantary

May 10: Bruce Lincoln, “Persian Archers and Paradise Gardens” (in English)

Wednesday, May 18, 5pm, Nasrin Qader

May 24: Nilofar Sahra

Panorama Theme by Themocracy