Category: Visual and Performing Arts

Avisheh Mohsenin speaks on Pasfarda

By , November 30, 2013 10:31 pm

Avisheh Mohsenin gave a wonderful presentation about Pasfarda and its latest activities. For full details, please see the attached PDF she has created for us. You can also download her talk by clicking on this link or by using the player below.

If you want to join the Pasfarda email list to be updated on future events, you can fill out the form in at the following URL: or email them at

Mehrnaz Saeedvafa on “Jerry and Me”

By , November 11, 2013 8:41 am

Dear all,

Prof. Saeedvafa has graciously allowed us to record the discussion that took place after the screening of her film, “Jerry and Me”. You can listen to it using the player below or download the MP3 here.

Farrokh Asadi speaks about “Judith”

By , October 8, 2013 12:16 pm

Last week, Dr. Farrokh Asadi gave us a short introduction to his film, “Judith”, an adaptation of Brecht’s “The Jewish Wife”. You can listen to his presentation in the player below.

Download the mp3 here. Plus, you can see the Director’s notes to the film in English and in Persian.

Many thanks to Dr. Asadi for his interesting talk and beautiful film! از لطف او بسیار سپاس گذاریم.

Iranian films at the Siskel Center

By , October 17, 2012 10:34 pm

For those who attended Barbara Scharres’ excellent talk earlier today – and for those who missed out! – we encourage you to go to the Gene Siskel Film Center over the next couple weeks, and to watch some of the great Iranian films that they’re showing. You can find details about the Center’s Festival of Films from Iran at the link below.

Hayedeh Torabi: A Review of “A Separation”

By , October 10, 2012 10:59 pm

Ms. Torabi gave a thought-provoking talk earlier today about the film Nader and Simin: A Separation. Although today’s discussion was not recorded, you can read the text of Ms. Torabi’s review of the film, which was originally published in the journal Baran, at the link below.

Barbara Scharres

By , October 12, 2010 4:14 am

Barbara Scharres, the Director of Programming at Gene Siskel Film Center, discuss Iranian film and the upcoming Festival of Films from Iran. Her talk is in English.

Mohammad Majdzadeh: Radio in Iran

By , October 22, 2009 11:50 pm

رادیو در ایران امروز همراه با فیلم /
گزارشی مستند از فستیوال مونولوگ خوانی توسط صداپیشگان رادیوی ایران/
کار محمد مجدزاده

“Radio in Iran” along with a film by Mohammad Majdzadeh

Mohammad Majdzadeh was born in Tehran-Iran in 1973. After high school he studied Electrical Engineering. He began his artistic career in 1983 by entering Iran’s Art and Literature School. He played various roles on the stage and in TV serials. After finishing high school in 1991, he entered university and studied electronics for 3/5 years but finally switched and began studying stage acting, directing and oratory technique under the tutelage of master Samandarian (who is an outstanding expert in Beresht and Max Freish works). He then studied camera acting, film directing, playwriting and scriptwriting under the supervision of master Alasti (an expert in America cinema and avant-garde cinema in Iran). Majdzadeh has been working on the stage, television, radio, cinema and dubbing since 1994. He has worked as actor and director assistant in 19 professional plays, 10 movies (as actor and assistant director), 25 TV series and 400 radio plays and he has directed three short films. He has also co-operated with dubbing department of Iran TV in dubbing 14 foreign TV serials.

You can listen to this talk here.

Maqam: Jewish ensemble from the city of Bukhara

By , October 15, 2009 9:19 pm

The members of Maqam, a Jewish ensemble from Bukhara, talk about their music and give us a short performance. You can listen here.

Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa: The Tradition of Realism in Iranian Cinema

By , April 24, 2009 1:00 am

Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa is a filmmaker, a teacher at the Department of Film and Video, Columbia College, Chicago, and Artistic Consultant of the Iranian Film Festival, Film Center, Chicago since 1989. You can listen to her talk here.

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