Spring Quarter Schedule

By , April 2, 2018 7:18 pm

Salam bar hamegi, Nowruz Mobarak, and welcome to the Spring Quarter!

This quarter the Persian Circle at the University of Chicago has a number of exciting lectures lined up. Please see the current schedule below and take note in your calendars!

– 5th April: Professor Farrokh Asadi (Rush University) presents a screening of Mohammad Reza Aslani’s poetic documentary, “Tehran, a Conceptual Art” (2012) 

– 12th April: Hamid-Reza Rahimi: “A Piece of Time: a Lapse in Poetry, Satire, and Song”

– 19th April: **tbc**

– 26th April: Professor Fatemeh Shams (UPenn), “Dialogues with the Dead: Reading Poetry in Iranian Graveyards”

– 17th May: Inaugural lecture in The Heshmat Moayyad Lecture Series in Persian Literature and Culture: Professor Dick Davis (Ohio State University): “She can’t be kept locked up”: The Forgotten Women of Medieval Persian Poetry*

– 24th May: Dr. Afsaneh Kalantary, *topic tbc*

*This talk will be in English and may take place at a different time/location


Unless otherwise stated, all our talks will be in Persian and take place on Thursdays, from 5pm-6.30pm:

Farouk Mustafa Seminar Room (Pick Hall #218)
5828 S. University Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637 

About us:

The Persian Circle is a weekly lecture series in Persian at the University of Chicago’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies. The lectures include social, cultural, and academic discussions about the Persian-speaking world and are led by faculty, students, and visiting scholars and artists. The opinions of the speakers are their own. We hope that you enjoy these lectures. And if you would like to volunteer to give a talk, please do get in touch!

Please see our blog and Facebook page to stay up-to-date:

 Be Omid-e Didar,


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