March 1st: Abbas Alizadeh

By , February 26, 2018 6:37 pm

Dear all,

Please join us for the final meeting of the Persian Circle at the University of Chicago of the Winter quarter, this Thursday at 5pm, for a talk in Persian entitled:

The Roots of Formal Nationalism and the Rise of the Nation State in Iran

By Dr. Abbas Alizadeh

Thursday 1st March
Pick Hall 218
5828 S. University Ave
Chicago, IL 60637

Dr. Abbas Alizadeh is a senior research associate at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, who works with the Iranian Prehistoric Project. He has supervised foreign teams of archaeologists working throughout Iran.

Be omid-e didar,


با سلام

:این هفته انجمن سخن فارسی در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند سخنرانی ای به زبان فارسی

ریشه های ملی گرائی رسمی و خاستگاه دولت ملی در ایران

سخنران ما در این جلسه دکتر عباس علیزاده از دانشگاه شیکاگو است

پنجشنبه ۱ مارس  ۲۰۱۸
ساعت۵:۰۰ تا ۶:۳۰

به امید دیدار

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