Jan. 17: Saeed Yousef reads from his poetry collections

By , January 14, 2017 1:08 pm

Salaam! Please join us for the very first Persian Circle of this year on Tuesday, January 17 at 4:30pm with our own Saeed Yousef Ghahremani:

میان واقع و رؤیا، همیشه شعر پلی ست

سعید یوسف نمونه هائی از اشعار خود را از چهار کتاب شعر جدید که در دست چاپ دارد خواهد خواند


A Bridge between Reality and Dreams

Saeed Yousef reads from his four recent collections of poems (to be released soon)


This talk will be in Persian. There will be an introduction in English for students at 4pm in the NELC Lounge (3rd floor, Pick Hall). Come for tea & sweets!


Tuesday, Jan. 17

4pm: Introduction in English (NELC Lounge, 3rd floor, Pick Hall)

4:30pm: Persian Circle talk (Pick Hall 218)

(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL

Be omid-e didaar,



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