Winter Quarter Schedule

By , January 10, 2017 11:48 pm

Dear friends and colleagues,

Best wishes for a productive and happy new year! Please join us this quarter for the Persian Circle, a weekly event for all students, faculty, and those interested in Persian and Iran. We will meet on Tuesdays, 4:30-6pm in Pick Hall 218 (5828 S University Ave) and enjoy talks on a variety of topics by faculty, students, and professionals. We will start meeting next week, but to give you a sneak peek of what is waiting for you in winter quarter, here is the schedule of talks not to be missed:

Jan. 17, Saeed Yousef:*

میانِ واقع و رؤیا، همیشه شعر پُلی ست

سعید یوسف نمونه هائی از اشعار خود را از چهار کتاب شعر جدید که در دست چاپ دارد خواهد خواند

„A Bridge between Reality and Dreams. Saeed Yousef reads from his four recent collections of poems (to be released soon)”

Jan. 24, Ario Mashayekhi:

انسانیت در میان بی رحمی انسان

مشاهده هنری به زیبایی در برابر فجایع انسانی

“Humanity Amidst Inhumanities. An Artistic view to Beauty in the Face of Human Atrocities”

Jan. 31, Dr. Elise Auerbach*: “Human Rights in Iran during a time of transition”

Feb. 7, Ezzat Goushegir (DePaul University), TBA

Feb. 14, Dr. Fariba Zarinebaf* (UC Riverside): “Iranian Diaspora and Cityscapes of Memory in LA”

Feb. 21, Austin O’Malley* (NELC, Uchicago), TBA

Feb. 28, Dr. Ali Mousavi (UCLA):

سهم آمریکا در مطالعات باستانشناسی در ایران

“American Contribution to the Archaeology of Iran”

March 7, Nowruz Special*

*These sessions will be either be in English, in English and Persian, preceded by an introductory part in English for students, or the talk will be designed explicitly for students’ needs. Details will be announced for each talk.

Announcements for event details will be posted around Pick Hall and online, through the Persian list and others, as well as on facebook (

There will always be tea and sweets – so come, sit down, treat yourself and be a part of the Persian speaking community.

See you on Tuesdays!
به امید دیدار


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