Category: Uncategorized

Feb. 14: Fariba Zarinebaf on Iranian Diaspora and Cityscapes of Memory in LA

By , February 10, 2017 9:43 pm
Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, February 14 at 4:30 pm with Prof. Fariba Zarinebaf (UC Riverside):
“Iranian Diaspora and Cityscapes of Memory in LA”
The talk will be in English and Persian
Fariba Zarinebaf received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Islamic history and is currently teaching at UC Riverside. Her book, Crime and Punishment in Istanbul, 1700-1800 (published 2010), examines the history of violence, criminality, policing and punishment in Istanbul from the eighteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. For the Persian Circle, she will look at the cities of Los Angeles (and Chicago) and their connection to the Iranian Diaspora.
There will be tea & sweets! 
Tuesday, February 14
4:30 – 6pm in Pick Hall 218
 (5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)
See you there,

Feb 7: A play reading with Ezzat Goushegir

By , February 3, 2017 1:07 pm

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, February 7 at 4:30pm with playwright Ezzat Goushegir:

“I’m not an Exceptionalist!”

A play reading

The reading will be in English, comments by the author will be in Persian.


Ezzat Goushegir is a playwright, author and film critic.  She has performed her plays internationally as well as published five books (in Farsi), including three collections of short stories. Feminist perspective has the center role and interest in her writing. She brings a global and international perspective to her work by questioning social, political and gender issues.

Her plays have been translated into French, Arabic and Mandarin and produced by a variety of theater companies including “Maryam’s pregnancy”, which won a Richard Maibaum award and “Behind the curtains”, recipient at a Norman Felton award.  She is the member of “The Dramatists Guild of America” and “The Association of Writers and Writing Program”. Currently she teaches at (SNL) DePaul University in Chicago.

There will be tea & sweets!

Tuesday, February 7

4:30-6pm: Persian Circle talk (Pick Hall 218)

 (5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)


See you there,


Jan. 31: Elise Auerbach

By , January 27, 2017 1:19 pm

انجمن سخن فارسی در دانشگاه شیکاگو

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, January 31 at 4:30pm with Dr. Elise Auerbach:

“Human Rights in Iran during a time of transition”

This talk will be in English.  

Elise Auerbach is the Iran country specialist for Amnesty International USA (AIUSA). She has been a member of AIUSA’s Middle East Coordination Group, which coordinates and monitors the work done by Amnesty International USA on the Middle East, since 1995. She earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. She produces materials on Iran for use by Amnesty International activists and the public and on the AIUSA web site, has written both public and internal documents for Amnesty International, has been quoted as an Amnesty International spokesperson on Iran in the media, has given interviews on CNN, Voice of America, NPR and PRI’s The World, and other media outlets, speaks at a variety of venues and has represented Amnesty International at press conferences. She works with Amnesty International staff and volunteers as well as partner organizations to organize events such as press conferences, rallies and seminars, as well as to plan and carry out campaigns and other actions. She has worked on numerous asylum and refugee cases from Iran. She is currently the acting chair of the Amnesty International USA Country Specialist Refugee Casework Committee which oversees all the work done by AIUSA on behalf of asylum seekers and those contesting removal based on the provisions of CAT. 

There will be tea & sweets!  

Tuesday, Jan. 31

4:30-6pm: Persian Circle talk (Pick Hall 218)

 (5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637) 

See you there,

Winter Quarter Schedule

By , January 10, 2017 11:48 pm

Dear friends and colleagues,

Best wishes for a productive and happy new year! Please join us this quarter for the Persian Circle, a weekly event for all students, faculty, and those interested in Persian and Iran. We will meet on Tuesdays, 4:30-6pm in Pick Hall 218 (5828 S University Ave) and enjoy talks on a variety of topics by faculty, students, and professionals. We will start meeting next week, but to give you a sneak peek of what is waiting for you in winter quarter, here is the schedule of talks not to be missed:

Jan. 17, Saeed Yousef:*

میانِ واقع و رؤیا، همیشه شعر پُلی ست

سعید یوسف نمونه هائی از اشعار خود را از چهار کتاب شعر جدید که در دست چاپ دارد خواهد خواند

„A Bridge between Reality and Dreams. Saeed Yousef reads from his four recent collections of poems (to be released soon)”

Jan. 24, Ario Mashayekhi:

انسانیت در میان بی رحمی انسان

مشاهده هنری به زیبایی در برابر فجایع انسانی

“Humanity Amidst Inhumanities. An Artistic view to Beauty in the Face of Human Atrocities”

Jan. 31, Dr. Elise Auerbach*: “Human Rights in Iran during a time of transition”

Feb. 7, Ezzat Goushegir (DePaul University), TBA

Feb. 14, Dr. Fariba Zarinebaf* (UC Riverside): “Iranian Diaspora and Cityscapes of Memory in LA”

Feb. 21, Austin O’Malley* (NELC, Uchicago), TBA

Feb. 28, Dr. Ali Mousavi (UCLA):

سهم آمریکا در مطالعات باستانشناسی در ایران

“American Contribution to the Archaeology of Iran”

March 7, Nowruz Special*

*These sessions will be either be in English, in English and Persian, preceded by an introductory part in English for students, or the talk will be designed explicitly for students’ needs. Details will be announced for each talk.

Announcements for event details will be posted around Pick Hall and online, through the Persian list and others, as well as on facebook (

There will always be tea and sweets – so come, sit down, treat yourself and be a part of the Persian speaking community.

See you on Tuesdays!
به امید دیدار


Nov. 29: Prof. Nasrin Qader on Asef Soltanzadeh’s “Two of Clubs”

By , November 27, 2016 6:42 pm


Please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 29 for the last Persian Circle talk this year! Our speaker is Prof. Nasrin Qader (Northwestern University):

ملاقات در مرز بخت وطالع: ’دو تایی پشه‘ بقلم آصف سلطانزاده

Encounter on the border of chance and destiny: Asef Soltanzadeh’s ‘Two of Clubs’

*This talk will be in Persian.*
There will be tea & sweets

Tuesday, Nov. 29
4:30 pm in Pick Hall 218
(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)

See you there!

Nov. 8: Ani Honarchian on “Transferring relics in the borderlands of the Sasanian and Roman Empire”

By , November 6, 2016 8:15 pm

Salaam! Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Nov. 8 with Ani Honarchian (UCLA):

جابجایی پیکر قدیسین در سر حدات شاهنشاهی ساسانیان و امپراطوری رم

 Transferring relics in the borderlands of the Sasanian and Roman Empire”


*This talk will be in Persian.*

It will be preceded by an introduction to the topic and vocabulary by the speaker, designed to help students learning Persian to follow the talk. To join the introduction, come to the NELC Lounge at 4pm (Pick Hall, 3rd floor). The regular talk starts at 4:30pm in Pick Hall 218.

Ani Honarchian will talk about the significance of the formation of the cult of saints in two cities in the region of the borderlands of the Roman and the Sasanian Empires. While the city of Sophene received favors and relics from Theodosius II (401-450) and the Sasanian king, Yazdgerd I (r. 399-410), the relics of a recently converted Jewish boy were stolen by a tribe of Arab merchants in the city of Singar, who then spread the cult of the saint in their own lands. The different approaches that cities in the borderland used to disseminate the cult of saints will be then compared to the approach within the Sasanian Empire itself.

Tuesday, Nov. 8

Introduction for students: 4pm in the NELC Lounge (3rd floor, Pick Hall)

Regular talk: 4:30 pm in Pick Hall 218

(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)

You can listen to a recording of this talk here:

Tues, Nov. 1: Screening of Marmulak

By , October 31, 2016 7:38 pm


Join the Persian Circle for a screening of


Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4:30-6:30pm

Pick 218


There will be a short introduction before the screening. Come for a relaxing Persian Circle event and have some popcorn!

Be omid-e didaar,

Tues, Oct 25: Dr. Reza Varjavand

By , October 23, 2016 7:22 pm

Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 4:30pm in Pick 218! Our speaker will be Dr. Reza Varjavand (St. Xavier University), whose book From Misery Alley to Missouri Valley has just been re-published as an expanded edition. Come to hear him talk, drink tea & enjoy some sweets! See you there.

Dr. Reza Varjavand:

“Immigrant Struggle to Build Identity, the Case of Iranian-Americans”

تلاش مهاجرین ایرانیبرای ساختن هویت در آمریکا


*This talk will be (mostly) in English*


Tuesday, Oct. 25

4:30 pm in Pick Hall 218

(5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)


You can listen to a recording of his talk here:

دایی جان ناپلئون، قسمت اول

By , February 19, 2016 8:49 am

Salaam Persian Circlers,

Earlier in the quarter, Saeed Yousef discussed the life and less-known works of Pezeshkzad; this coming week, we will show the first episode of the small-screen adaptation of his famous novel, My Uncle Napoleon. Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, February 23rd, 4:30pm
Farouk Mustafa Seminar Room (Pick #218)
5828 S. University Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Fall 2015 Persian Circle Schedule

By , October 1, 2015 5:18 pm

Salaam bar hamegi,
Welcome back to another year of Persian Circle at the University of Chicago! This year the Persian Circle will usually be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm in Pick Hall, which is located at 116 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637, although we may occasionally hold talks at “non-canonical” times or in other locations. Here is the list of speakers for this quarter; check back here for updated titles and abstracts. You can also check out our Facebook page for the most up-to-date info.

10/ 6: Alexandra Hoffmann: خاطراتی از سفر به ایران

10/13: Mehdi Harandi: تناقض در شعر حافظ

10/20: Hossein Samei

10/27: Negar Mansourian-Hadavi

11/3: Ali Papoli

11/10: Rambod Vala

11/17: Niloofar Sarlati

12/1: Sohila Saremi

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