Feb. 21: Austin O’Malley on Attar’s quatrains

By , February 20, 2017 3:31 pm
Please join us for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, February 21 with our own
Dr. Austin O’Malley:
 معرفی رباعیات عطار
An Introduction to Attar’s quatrains

 This talk will focus on ʿAṭṭâr’s Mokhtâr-nâma, the earliest authorially curated and thematically organized quatrain collection in Persian. After introducing and discussing ʿAṭṭar, the quatrain form, and the Mokhtâr-nâma, we will read, translate, and discuss some of its quatrains and ʿAṭṭâr’s prose introduction to the work.

This talk will be in Persian. There will be an introduction in English for interested students at 4pm in the NELC Lounge (3rd floor, Pick Hall).
There will be tea & sweets!
Tuesday, Feb. 21
4pm: Introduction in English (NELC Lounge, 3rd floor, Pick Hall)
4:30pm: Persian Circle talk (Pick Hall 218)
 (5828 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637)
See you there!


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