Nov 2: “Demise of the Protagonist in Contemporary Iranian Cinema,” Ali Papoli-Yazdi

By , October 31, 2015 9:56 am

[If you missed Ali’s talk, you can listen to via the embedded player above or you can downloaded it by right-clicking here and selecting ‘save as’]

The Ambiguity of Values and the Demise of the Protagonist in Contemporary Iranian Cinema
 ابهام ارزشها و افول قهرمان در سینمای امروز ایران

علی پاپلی یزدی

This is talk will be in Persian, and speakers of all levels are invited!

Tuesday, November 3rd, 4:30 pm
Farouk Mustafa Memorial Lecture Room (Pick 218)
5828 South University Avenue 
Chicago, IL 60637

Oct 27: “Chicago Persian School: Case Study of a Journey,” with Dr. Negar Mansourian-Hadavi

By , October 21, 2015 9:15 pm

[If you missed this talk, you can listen to it in the above player or download it here]

Please join us on for a Persian Circle talk on Tuesday, October 27 by Dr. Negar Mansourian-Hadavi, director of the Chicago Persian School:

مدرسه فارسی شیکاگو: مطالعه‌ی یک ماجرا
Chicago Persian School: Case Study of a Journey

نگار منصوریان-هادوی
Dr. Negar Mansourian-Hadavi

Tuesday, October 27th, 4:30 pm
Farouk Mustafa Memorial Lecture Room (Pick 218)
5828 South University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637


Oct. 20: “Teaching Persian as a Second Language,” Hossein Samei

By , October 14, 2015 7:35 pm
[For those of you who couldn’t join us for Dr. Samei’s talk, a recording can be found here. If you have trouble with the embedded media player, try downloading the file by right-clicking and selecting “save as.”]
Please join us for a special Persian Circle on pedagogy and teaching Persian as a second language, with lexicographer and Persian lecturer Hossein Samei of Emory! Beh omid-e didaar!
Hossein Samei
حسین سامعی
Teaching Persian as a Second Language
آموزش فارسی به عنوان زبان دوم
Tuesday, Oct. 20th, 4:30 pm
Farouk Mustafa Memorial Seminar Room (Pick 218)
1116 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637



Oct. 13: “Contradiction in Hafiz’s Poetry,” Mehdi Harandi

By , October 7, 2015 9:00 pm

[For those of you who couldn’t make Mehdi Harandi’s talk, a recording can be found at the bottom of this post]

Join us October 13th at 4:30 pm in the Farouk Mustafa lecture room (Pick 218) for a talk in Persian by Mehdi Harandi:

تناقض در شعر حافظ
شعر حافظ، آنجا که جهان‌بینی و دیدگاه فکری او‌ را نشان می‌‌دهد، گاه، ضدّ و نقیض است.  بسیاری از حافظ پژوهان یا، با نادیده گرفتن این تضادها، او‌ را وابسته به یک مکتب فکری خاص دانسته‌اند، و یا سعی‌ کرده‌اند تا توجیهی برای این تضادها بیابند.  در این گفتار، پس از یک بررسی کوتاه از این نظریه‌ها، سعی‌ خواهیم کرد تا نشان دهیم که تضاد در شعر حافظ نتیجه‌ی نابسامانی یا دگرگونی فکری او‌ نیست، بلکه حاصل شعور و نبوغ هنری اوست که از شعرش آینه‌ای می‌‌سازد برای تصویرهای متفاوت، نه‌ یک قاب برای تصویری خاص

Contradiction in Hafiz’s Poetry

Hafez’s poetry, when he expresses his world views and his philosophy of life, at times includes contradictions.  Many literary studies of Hafez’s poetry have either ignored such contradictions (thus, associating him with a specific school of thought), or tried to explain them away.  In this talk, after a brief review of some of these studies, we will try to show that what seems to be contradiction in Hafez’s poetry is indeed due to his artistic genius, by which he has created a mirror to reflect many views on an ideological issue, rather than framing a particular school of thought on that issue.

[If the embedded payer doesn’t work for you, you can download the file by right-clicking the following link and selecting “save as”: Mehdi Harandi. Tanaqoz dar sher-e Hafez]

Oct. 6: Alexandra Hoffmann, «خاطراتی از سفر به ایران»

By , October 3, 2015 10:25 am

Join us Tuesday, October 6th, at 4:30pm in Pick 218 for the first talk of Autumn quarter, by Alexandra Hoffman!

خاطراتی از سفر به ایران
Memories of a trip to Iran

در این گفتار عکسهای زیاد از سفرم به ایران در این تابستان نشان میدهم،  درباره کلاسهای زبان و زندگی خانوادگی صحبت میکنم، فکرها درباره  میکاپ (آرایش) ومراسم ازدواج ونظریات درباره خریدن زیرپوش وزیبای پسته‌های تازه بیان میکنم

In this talk, I’ll show a lot of pictures from my trip to Iran this summer, I’ll talk about language classes and family life, I’ll share thoughts on make-up and wedding ceremonies, observations on where to buy underwear and the beauty of fresh pistachios.

Fall 2015 Persian Circle Schedule

By , October 1, 2015 5:18 pm

Salaam bar hamegi,
Welcome back to another year of Persian Circle at the University of Chicago! This year the Persian Circle will usually be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm in Pick Hall, which is located at 116 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637, although we may occasionally hold talks at “non-canonical” times or in other locations. Here is the list of speakers for this quarter; check back here for updated titles and abstracts. You can also check out our Facebook page for the most up-to-date info.

10/ 6: Alexandra Hoffmann: خاطراتی از سفر به ایران

10/13: Mehdi Harandi: تناقض در شعر حافظ

10/20: Hossein Samei

10/27: Negar Mansourian-Hadavi

11/3: Ali Papoli

11/10: Rambod Vala

11/17: Niloofar Sarlati

12/1: Sohila Saremi

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