April 2: Negin Almassi

By , March 30, 2014 5:52 pm

Dear all, it is my pleasure to welcome you back to another quarter of Persian Circle, starting with what promises to be one of the most fun and unique sessions we’ve ever hosted!

The Persian Circle presents:
انجمن سخن در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند

Negin Almassi / نگین الماسی

Fur, Feathers, and Scales: A Hands-On Introduction to Chicagoland Wildlife
پشم و پر و پولک: معرفی تجربه‌ای به جانوران شیکاگوزمین

Wed. April 2, 5:00–6:30pm
Pick 222, 5828 S University Ave

The Forest Preserves of Cook County are a unique treasure of Chicagoland, preserving crucial habitat for native plants and animals. Take an up-close look at animal artifacts as you learn about Cook County’s wildlife and how it compares to wildlife in Iran. Next time you are in the Forest Preserves, whether for a walk or for Sizdeh Bedar, you will know what kind of animals to look for and where to see them.

Negin Almassi is a naturalist for the Forest Preserves of Cook County, working at Trailside Museum of Natural History in River Forest. As a naturalist she connects people with nature through educational and interpretive programs in schools, communities, and the preserves. Negin was born in Chicago and raised in Milwaukee, where she learned to read and write Persian at Eftekhar Persian School. Negin earned her B.S. in biology from Purdue University and her M.P.A. from University of Washington in Seattle, focusing on cultural resource preservation.

Spring Schedule

By , March 30, 2014 5:47 pm

We are pleased to announce this Spring’s schedule. Mark your calendars! Full details can be found on our calendar of upcoming events.

  • 4/2/2014 Negin Almassi: Fur, Feathers, and Scales: A Hands-On Introduction to Chicagoland Wildlife
  • 4/9/2014 <special event, see calendar for details>
  • 4/16/2014 Mehdi Harandi: The Roba’i: The ancient (and forever new) song of Persian poetry
  • 4/23/2014 Narimon Safavi: On U.S.-Iranian relations
  • 4/30/2014 M. A. Mahallati: Ethics of War and Peace in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh
  • 5/7/2014 Mehran Jalili: The Guitar and I
  • 5/14/2014 Anita Alkhas: Show and Tell: زندگی و هنر هانیبال و آدری الخاص
  • 5/21/2014 Maryam Alemzade: The Revolutionary Guards: An Unconventional Military in a Conventional War
  • 5/28/2014 Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi: Writing Liminality: A Reading from “Holy City, Dream & The Traveler”

March 12: Nasrin Qader

By , March 10, 2014 11:42 am

The Persian Circle presents
انجمن سخن در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند

Nasrin Qader / نسرین قادر
Prof. of French, Northwestern University

Between Kabul and Algeria: The Story of a Literary Gift?
بین کابل و الجزائر: داستان یک هدیه ای ادبی؟

Wed. March 12, 5:00–6:30pm
Pick 222, 5828 S University Ave

Nasrin Qader is Associate professor of French at Northwestern University, holding a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of African Languages and Literatures. Trained as a comparatist, Qader consistently brings together Francophone African literature, Arabic literature of the Maghreb, Islamic thought and mysticism, and contemporary literary and visual theory. In 2009-2010, she was awarded a New Directions Fellowship by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which allowed her to study the religious and literary traditions of India. In particular, she is interested in the Persian and Hindi literatures of India as well as philosophies of Hinduism. For more information, see her faculty page.

Parvin E’tesami

By , March 10, 2014 11:31 am

Let me thank once again our guest speakers Prof. Saeed Ghahremani and Dr. Farrokh Asadi for their wonderful discussion and of Parvin E’tesami and screening of the new film about her life, “A Chapter of Being” (فصلی از هستی). Their comments are recorded in two separate files, which, as usual, can be downloaded as MP3s or accessed through the embedded player. با سپاس

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