Afanti’s Advice

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提觉得,你为别人做的事都应该忘掉。 / 阿凡提覺得,你為別人做的事都應該忘掉。
  • 阿凡提觉得,别人为你做的事都应该记住。 / 阿凡提覺得,別人為你做的事都應該記住。
  • 阿凡提觉得,只应该记住别人为你做的好事,不用记住你为别人做的好事。 / 阿凡提覺得,只應該記住別人為你做的好事,不用記住你為別人做的好事。
  • 阿凡提觉得,别人为你做的好事可以慢慢地忘掉。 / 阿凡提覺得,別人為你做的好事可以慢慢地忘掉。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti thinks that you should forget whatever you did for others.
  • Afanti thinks that you should remember whatever others did for you.
  • Afanti thinks that you should remember the good things others did for you, but no need to remember the good things you did for others.
  • Afanti thinks that the good things others did for you can be forgotten gradually.

Afanti and Friends

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提很骄傲,觉得他的脚下就是世界的中心。 / 阿凡提很驕傲,覺得他的腳下就是世界的中心。
  • 阿凡提的朋友们知道他在开玩笑,所以不信他说的话。 / 阿凡提的朋友們知道他在開玩笑,所以不信他說的話。
  • 阿凡提在跟他的朋友们开玩笑。 / 阿凡提在跟他的朋友們開玩笑。
  • 阿凡提怕朋友们不信他说的话,所以请他们量一量。 / 阿凡提怕朋友們不信他說的話,所以請他們量一量。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti is very arrogant and believes that the center of the world is right under his feet.
  • Afanti’s friends know that he is joking and thus do not believe him.
  • Afanti is making fun of his friends.
  • Afanti is afraid that his friends do not believe what he has said and thus asks them to measure it.

Afanti and County Magistrate

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提跟县官之间的区别只有一尺。 / 阿凡提跟縣官之間的區別只有一尺。
  • 县官觉得阿凡提跟驴差不多。 / 縣官覺得阿凡提跟驢差不多。
  • 县官不知道他与阿凡提之间的区别有多大。 / 縣官不知道他與阿凡提之間的區別有多大。
  • 县官看不起阿凡提。 / 縣官看不起阿凡提。

Statements in English:

  • The difference between Afanti and the county magistrate is only one foot.
  • The county magistrate thinks that Afanti is not much different from a donkey.
  • The county magistrate does not know the difference between himself and Afanti.
  • The county magistrate looks down on Afanti.

Afanti and Fool

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提觉得,如果大家都往一个方向走,船就会翻。 / 阿凡提覺得,如果大家都往一個方向走,船就會翻。
  • 傻子怕船会翻,所以让大家走开。 / 傻子怕船會翻,所以讓大家走開。
  • 阿凡提用傻话说服了傻子。 / 阿凡提用傻話說服了傻子。
  • 傻子听懂了阿凡提的话,就走开了。 / 傻子聽懂了阿凡提的話,就走開了。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti believes that if everyone moves in the same direction, the ship may capsize.
  • Afraid that the ship may capsize, the fool asks everyone to leave.
  • Afanti said something in a foolish way to convince the fool.
  • The fool has understood Afanti’s advice and left.

Afanti and Wiseman

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提不知道该把布染成什么颜色。 / 阿凡提不知道該把布染成什麼顏色。
  • 那个聪明人想让阿凡提把布染成很多种颜色。 / 那個聰明人想讓阿凡提把布染成很多種顏色。
  • 阿凡提请那个聪明人自己选一天来取染好的布。 / 阿凡提請那個聰明人自己選一天來取染好的布。
  • 阿凡提根本不打算给那个聪明人染布。 / 阿凡提根本不打算給那個聰明人染布。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti does not know what color he should dye the white cloth.
  • The wise man asks Afanti to dye the white cloth into many colors.
  • Afanti asks the wise man himself to pick a day to come pick up the dyed cloth.
  • Afanti does not intend to dye the white cloth for the wise man.

Afanti and Businessman

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 那个商人不在乎钱。/ 那個商人不在乎錢。
  • 阿凡提不在乎名誉。/ 阿凡提不在乎名譽。
  • 那个商人名声不好。/ 那個商人名聲不好。
  • 阿凡提不需要钱。/ 阿凡提不需要錢。

Statements in English:

  • The businessman does not care about money.
  • Afanti does not care about his reputation.
  • The businessman’s reputation is bad.
  • Afanti does not need money.

Afanti and River

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提不知道该怎样回答那个问题。/ 阿凡提不知道該怎樣回答那個問題。
  • 阿凡提觉得河水能装进两只桶里。/ 阿凡提覺得河水能裝進兩隻桶裏。
  • 阿凡提觉得如果水桶特别大,就能装下一条河里的水。/ 阿凡提覺得如果水桶特別大,就能裝下一條河裏的水。
  • 阿凡提觉得那个问题问得没有道理。/ 阿凡提覺得那個問題問得沒有道理。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti does not know how to answer that question.
  • Afanti thinks that the water in the river can be put into two buckets.
  • Afanti thinks that if the bucket is extremely large, all water in the river can be put in it.
  • Afanti thinks that the question is nonsense.

Afanti and Guest

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提怕那位客人吃得太多,渴了,所以给他倒水。
  • 阿凡提不喜欢他朋友家的客人把好吃的东西装进自己的包里。/ 阿凡提不喜歡他朋友家的客人把好吃的東西裝進自己的包裏。
  • 阿凡提担心他朋友家的客人不知道应该把好吃的东西放在哪里。/ 阿凡提擔心他朋友家的客人不知道應該把好吃的東西放在哪里。
  • 阿凡提不小心把水倒进了客人的包里。/ 阿凡提不小心把水倒進了客人的包裏。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti is afraid that the guest has eaten too much and is thirsty, so he pours some water for him.
  • Afanti does not like it that his friend’s houseguest put goodies into his bag.
  • Afanti is worried that the guest does not know where to put goodies.
  • Afanti poured water into the guest’s bag by accident.

Afanti and Cat

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提觉得猫可以抓住水缸里的老鼠。/ 阿凡提覺得貓可以抓住水缸裏的老鼠。
  • 阿凡提觉得老鼠和猫都会游泳,不用捞。/ 阿凡提覺得老鼠和貓都會游泳,不用撈。
  • 阿凡提觉得猫可以帮助老鼠从水缸里爬出来。/ 阿凡提覺得貓可以幫助老鼠從水缸裏爬出來。
  • 阿凡提觉得猫和老鼠都应该呆在水缸里。/ 阿凡提覺得貓和老鼠都應該呆在水缸裏。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti believes that the cat can catch the mouse in the water vat.
  • Afanti thinks that both cat and mouse know how to swim—there is no need to fish them out of the water.
  • Afanti thinks the cat can help the mouse get out of the water vat.
  • Afanti thinks that both the cat and the mouse should remain in the water vat.

Afanti and Dad

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提的爸爸会给你一块金子。/ 阿凡提的爸爸會給你一塊金子。
  • 只要你不骗人,阿凡提的爸爸就会给你一分钱。/ 只要你不騙人,阿凡提的爸爸就會給你一分錢。
  • 阿凡提的爸爸不在乎一分钱。/ 阿凡提的爸爸不在乎一分錢。
  • 有钱人的儿子相信他爸爸不在乎钱。/ 有錢人的兒子相信他爸爸不在乎錢。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti’s dad will give you a piece of gold.
  • If you do not cheat, Afanti’s dad will give you a penny.
  • Afanti’s dad does not care about even a penny.
  • The rich man’s son believes that his dad does not care about money.