Afanti and Villager

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提没有帮助那个乡下人。 / 阿凡提沒有幫助那個鄉下人。
  • 阿凡提不知道乡下人给哥哥的信里写了什么,因为那封信不是写给他的。 / 阿凡提不知道鄉下人給哥哥的信裏寫了什麼,因為那封信不是寫給他的。
  • 阿凡提嫌乡下人麻烦。 / 阿凡提嫌鄉下人麻煩。
  • 阿凡提只有权利写信,没有权利念信。 / 阿凡提只有權利寫信,沒有權利念信。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti did not help the villager.
  • Afanti does not know the content of the letter the villager wrote to his brother, because the letter is not written to him.
  • Afanti dislikes how the villager is so bothersome.
  • Afanti only has the right to write the letter, but no right to read it.

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