Afanti and Cat

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提觉得猫可以抓住水缸里的老鼠。/ 阿凡提覺得貓可以抓住水缸裏的老鼠。
  • 阿凡提觉得老鼠和猫都会游泳,不用捞。/ 阿凡提覺得老鼠和貓都會游泳,不用撈。
  • 阿凡提觉得猫可以帮助老鼠从水缸里爬出来。/ 阿凡提覺得貓可以幫助老鼠從水缸裏爬出來。
  • 阿凡提觉得猫和老鼠都应该呆在水缸里。/ 阿凡提覺得貓和老鼠都應該呆在水缸裏。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti believes that the cat can catch the mouse in the water vat.
  • Afanti thinks that both cat and mouse know how to swim—there is no need to fish them out of the water.
  • Afanti thinks the cat can help the mouse get out of the water vat.
  • Afanti thinks that both the cat and the mouse should remain in the water vat.

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