Afanti and Guest

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提怕那位客人吃得太多,渴了,所以给他倒水。
  • 阿凡提不喜欢他朋友家的客人把好吃的东西装进自己的包里。/ 阿凡提不喜歡他朋友家的客人把好吃的東西裝進自己的包裏。
  • 阿凡提担心他朋友家的客人不知道应该把好吃的东西放在哪里。/ 阿凡提擔心他朋友家的客人不知道應該把好吃的東西放在哪里。
  • 阿凡提不小心把水倒进了客人的包里。/ 阿凡提不小心把水倒進了客人的包裏。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti is afraid that the guest has eaten too much and is thirsty, so he pours some water for him.
  • Afanti does not like it that his friend’s houseguest put goodies into his bag.
  • Afanti is worried that the guest does not know where to put goodies.
  • Afanti poured water into the guest’s bag by accident.

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