Moyisha and Violin

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“莫伊沙,您会拉小提琴吗?” “不知道,我从来没试过。”

“莫伊沙,您會拉小提琴嗎?” “不知道,我從來沒試過。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙觉得,如果试着拉一拉小提琴,就能知道自己会不会拉。 / 莫伊沙覺得,如果試著拉一拉小提琴,就能知道自己會不會拉。
  • 莫伊沙会拉小提琴,可是不愿意说。 / 莫伊沙會拉小提琴,可是不願意說。
  • 莫伊沙不知道自己会不会拉小提琴,很想试试。 / 莫伊沙不知道自己會不會拉小提琴,很想試試。
  • 莫伊沙没有试过拉小提琴,也不感兴趣。 / 莫伊沙沒有試過拉小提琴,也不感興趣。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha believes that by trying to play the violin one will find out whether or not one knows how to play it.
  • Moyisha knows how to play the violin but does not want to admit it.
  • Moyisha does not know whether he knows how to play violin or not and thus would like to try.
  • Moyisha has never tried to play violin and is not interested, either.

Sala and Money

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 萨拉不知道她丈夫的钱多不多。 / 薩拉不知道她丈夫的錢多不多。
  • 萨拉嫁给她丈夫,是因为他是百万富翁。 / 薩拉嫁給她丈夫,是因為他是百萬富翁。
  • 萨拉不在乎她丈夫有多少钱。 / 薩拉不在乎她丈夫有多少錢。
  • 萨拉很想知道她丈夫到底有多少钱。 / 薩拉很想知道她丈夫到底有多少錢。
Statements in English:
  • Sala does not know whether her husband has a lot of money.
  • Sala married her husband because he was a millionaire.
  • Sala does not care how much money her husband has.
  • Sala very much wants to find out how much money her husband has.

Moyisha and Thief

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

小男孩莫伊沙着急地跑到父亲跟前:“爸爸,咱们家的汽车被人偷了。” “你记住小偷长得是什么样子了吗?” “没有,可是我记下了咱们家的汽车号码。”

小男孩莫伊沙著急地跑到父親跟前:“爸爸,咱們家的汽車被人偷了。” “你記住小偷長得是什麼樣子了嗎?” “沒有,可是我記下了咱們家的汽車號碼。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 因为莫伊沙记住了被偷的汽车号码,所以可以抓到小偷。 / 因為莫伊沙記住了被偷的汽車號碼,所以可以抓到小偷。
  • 只有记住了小偷的样子,才有可能抓住小偷,把车找回来。 / 只有記住了小偷的樣子,才有可能抓住小偷,把車找回來。
  • 莫伊沙记住了汽车号码,给爸爸帮了很大的忙。 / 莫伊沙記住了汽車號碼,給爸爸幫了很大的忙。
  • 莫伊沙不愿意帮爸爸抓小偷,所以没有注意看小偷长得是什么样子。 / 莫伊沙不願意幫爸爸抓小偷,所以沒有注意看小偷長得是什麼樣子。
Statements in English:
  • Because Moyisha remembers the license plate number of the stolen car, it is possible to catch the car thief.
  • Only if one remembers what the thief looks like would it be possible to catch him and get the stolen car back.
  • Moyisha remembered the license plate number, and in so doing, helped his father a great deal.
  • Moyisha does not want to help his father catch the thief, so he does not pay attention to the thief’s appearance.

The Newspaper

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“萨拉大婶,你们家的小孩儿正在吃报纸呢!” “让他吃吧,报纸是昨天的。”

“薩拉大嬸,你們家的小孩兒正在吃報紙呢!” “讓他吃吧,報紙是昨天的。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 如果报纸过期,就可以吃了。 / 如果報紙過期,就可以吃了。
  • 今天的报纸不如昨天的好吃。 / 今天的報紙不如昨天的好吃。
  • 吃过期报纸对孩子的健康有好处。 / 吃過期報紙對孩子的健康有好處。
  • 萨拉大婶不关心孩子的健康。 / 薩拉大嬸不關心孩子的健康。
Statements in English:
  • If the newspaper is expired, it can be eaten.
  • Today’s newspaper is not as delicious as yesterday’s.
  • To eat old newspapers is good for children’s health.
  • Aunt Sala does not care about the child’s health.

The Jewish Passenger

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 如果飞机落入大海,吹哨子可以吓走鲨鱼,乘客就安全了。 / 如果飛機落入大海,吹哨子可以嚇走鯊魚,乘客就安全了。
  • 犹太人觉得,如果哨子坏了,吓不走鲨鱼,就很危险。 / 猶太人覺得,如果哨子壞了,嚇不走鯊魚,就很危險。
  • 犹太人担心,如果鲨鱼耳朵聋,听不见哨声,就会吃人。 / 猶太人擔心,如果鯊魚耳朵聾,聽不見哨聲,就會吃人。
  • 犹太人觉得海里的鲨鱼比飞机落入大海对人更危险。 / 猶太人覺得海裏的鯊魚比飛機落入大海對人更危險。
Statements in English:
  • If the airplane falls into the sea, blowing a whistle can scare away sharks, and the passengers will remain safe.
  • The Jewish passenger thinks that if the whistle is broken and cannot scare away sharks, then it will be very dangerous.
  • The Jewish passenger is afraid that if sharks are deaf and cannot hear the whistle, then they may hurt people.
  • The Jewish passenger thinks that sharks are more threatening to people than the airplane falling into the sea.

Moyisha is Missing

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“请问,莫伊沙在家吗?” “暂时还在。” “为什么说‘暂时’?” “二十分钟后,遗体将被抬走。”

“請問,莫伊沙在家嗎?” “暫時還在。” “為什麼說‘暫時’?” “二十分鐘後,遺體將被抬走。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙打算过二十分钟出门。 / 莫伊沙打算過二十分鐘出門。
  • 莫伊沙死了。
  • 莫伊沙的家人决定过二十分钟送他去医院。 / 莫伊沙的家人決定過二十分鐘送他去醫院。
  • 莫伊沙不在家。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha plans to go out in twenty minutes.
  • Moyisha has died.
  • Moyisha’s family decides to send him to the hospital in twenty minutes.
  • Moyisha is not home.

The Beatles

August 12th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

两个犹太人见面了。一个对另一个说:“我听过披头士音乐,我不喜欢。发音不准,跑调儿,有什么好听的?” “你是在哪儿听到的?” “莫伊沙在电话上给我唱了好半天。”

兩個猶太人見面了。一個對另一個說:“我聽過披頭士音樂,我不喜歡。發音不准,跑調兒,有什麼好聽的?” “你是在哪兒聽到的?” “莫伊沙在電話上給我唱了好半天。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 那个不喜欢披头士音乐的人听披头士音乐听得太多了,所以觉得讨厌。 / 那個不喜歡披頭士音樂的人聽披頭士音樂聽得太多了,所以覺得討厭。
  • 因为披头士音乐跑调儿,所以不好听。 / 因為披頭士音樂跑調兒,所以不好聽。
  • 莫伊沙唱歌唱得不好。 / 莫伊沙唱歌唱得不好。
  • 如果在电话上听披头士音乐,就会觉得不好听。 / 如果在電話上聽披頭士音樂,就會覺得不好聽。
Statements in English:
  • The person who does not like the Beatles has listened to it too much; as a result, he finds them annoying.
  • Because the Beatles is out of tune, it is not pleasant to listen to.
  • Moyisha is not a good singer.
  • If one listens to the Beatles on the telephone, it does not sound good.

Russians and Jews

August 12th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

有人问俄罗斯人:“你热爱自己的祖国吗?” “热爱!” “你能为她去死吗?” “能。” 那个人又问犹太人:“你热爱自己的祖国吗?” “热爱!” “你能为她去死吗?” “那么谁去热爱祖国呢?”犹太人反问道。

有人問俄羅斯人:“你熱愛自己的祖國嗎?” “熱愛!” “你能為她去死嗎?” “能。” 那個人又問猶太人:“你熱愛自己的祖國嗎?” “熱愛!” “你能為她去死嗎?” “那麼誰去熱愛祖國呢?”猶太人反問道。”

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 俄罗斯人和犹太人都热爱自己的祖国,也都愿意为祖国去死。 / 俄羅斯人和猶太人都熱愛自己的祖國,也都願意為祖國去死。
  • 只有俄罗斯人热爱祖国。 / 只有俄羅斯人熱愛祖國。
  • 犹太人觉得,一个人如果死了,就不能热爱祖国了。 / 猶太人覺得,一個人如果死了,就不能熱愛祖國了。
  • 犹太人不愿意去死。 / 猶太人不願意去死。
Statements in English:
  • Both Russians and Jews love their motherland and are willing to die for it.
  • Only Russians love their motherland.
  • The Jewish person thinks that one cannot love one’s motherland if one dies.
  • The Jew does not want to die.

The Host

August 12th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“你的朋友是怎么接待你的?” “你说说,这算是接待吗?桌上只有一只烟灰缸。”

“你的朋友是怎麼接待你的?” “你說說,這算是接待嗎?桌上只有一隻煙灰缸。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 主人请客人抽了烟。 / 主人請客人抽了煙。
  • 主人没有烟。 / 主人沒有煙。
  • 主人没有请客人吃饭。 / 主人沒有請客人吃飯。
  • 主人不抽烟。 / 主人不抽煙。
Statements in English:
  • The host offered his guest a cigarette.
  • The host does not have cigarettes.
  • The host did not offer his guest a meal.
  • The host does not smoke.


August 12th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“小家伙,你叫什么名字?” “阿布拉沙。” “你几岁了?” “三岁了。” “你看,这么点儿的小家伙,可已经是个犹太人了。”

“小傢伙,你叫什麼名字?” “阿布拉沙。” “你幾歲了?” “三歲了。” “你看,這麼點兒的小傢伙,可已經是個猶太人了。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿布拉沙是犹太人,所以知道自己叫什么名字。 / 阿布拉沙是猶太人,所以知道自己叫什麼名字。
  • 阿布拉沙是犹太人,所以知道自己多大了。 / 阿布拉沙是猶太人,所以知道自己多大了。
  • 犹太人都知道自己的年纪。 / 猶太人都知道自己的年紀。
  • 说话的人觉得阿布拉沙很聪明,会算数。 / 說話的人覺得阿布拉沙很聰明,會算數。
Statements in English:
  • Abulasha is Jewish; therefore, he knows his name.
  • Abulasha is Jewish; therefore, he knows how old he is.
  • All Jews know their age.
  • The speaker thinks that Abulasha is very smart and knows how to count.