The Female Train Passenger

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“太太,您乘坐的是快车,而您买的是慢车票。请补票。” “为什么要补票?你么可以减速嘛,我又不着急。”

“太太,您乘坐的是快車,而您買的是慢車票。請補票。” “為什麼要補票?你麼可以減速嘛,我又不著急。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 女乘客买了慢车票,因为她不着急。 / 女乘客買了慢車票,因為她不著急。
  • 女乘客坐快车觉得不舒服,请司机减速。 / 女乘客坐快車覺得不舒服,請司機減速。
  • 女乘客不愿意多付车票钱。 / 女乘客不願意多付車票錢。
  • 女乘客买错了车票,着急补票。 / 女乘客買錯了車票,著急補票。
Statements in English:
  • The female passenger bought a slow train ticket because she is not in a hurry.
  • The female passenger feels uncomfortable and asks the engineer to reduce the speed.
  • The female passenger is not willing to pay more for her train ticket.
  • The female passenger bought a wrong ticket and is anxious to pay for a late ticket.

Moyisha and the Clerk

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

莫伊沙走进商店。“请问,你们卖新鲜鱼吗?” “不知道,我在这里工作才一个多月。”

莫伊沙走進商店。“請問,你們賣新鮮魚嗎?” “不知道,我在這裏工作才一個多月。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 售货员不想告诉莫伊沙商店卖不卖新鲜鱼。 / 售貨員不想告訴莫伊沙商店賣不賣新鮮魚。
  • 售货员没见过新鲜鱼。 / 售貨員沒見過新鮮魚。
  • 售货员对莫伊沙不太礼貌。 / 售貨員對莫伊沙不太禮貌。
  • 商店已经很长时间没卖过新鲜鱼了。 / 商店已經很長時間沒賣過新鮮魚了。
Statements in English:
  • The clerk does not want to tell Moyisha whether the store sells fresh fish or not.
  • The clerk has never seen fresh fish.
  • The clerk is not very polite to Moyisha.
  • The store has not been selling fresh fish for a long time.

Moyisha and Inspector

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

仓库主任莫伊沙迎接检查员。“晚安!” “难道现在是晚上吗?” “一看见您,我眼前就发黑呀!”

倉庫主任莫伊沙迎接檢查員。“晚安!” “難道現在是晚上嗎?” “一看見您,我眼前就發黑呀!””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙非常有礼貌地跟检查员打招呼。 / 莫伊沙非常有禮貌地跟檢查員打招呼。
  • 莫伊沙分不清白天和晚上。
  • 莫伊沙的眼睛不舒服。
  • 莫伊沙贪污了仓库里的东西,所以很害怕检查员。 / 莫伊沙貪污了倉庫裏的東西,所以很害怕檢查員。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha greets the inspector very politely.
  • Moyisha cannot tell the difference between day and night.
  • Moyisha’s eyes are not well.
  • Moyisha has grafted many goods from the storehouse and thus is very afraid of the inspector.

The Tailor

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

一个年轻人去找一个上了年纪的犹太裁缝:“您能不能为我做一套咖啡加牛奶颜色的衣服?” “当然能,您要不要加糖呢?”

一個年輕人去找一個上了年紀的猶太裁縫:“您能不能為我做一套咖啡加牛奶顏色的衣服?” “當然能,您要不要加糖呢?””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 那个年轻人不知道应该怎样形容新衣服的颜色。 / 那個年輕人不知道應該怎樣形容新衣服的顏色。
  • 老裁缝很有幽默感。 / 老裁縫很有幽默感。
  • 老裁缝平常做衣服的时候都加糖。 / 老裁縫平常做衣服的時候都加糖。
  • 老裁缝不喜欢给年轻人做衣服。 / 老裁縫不喜歡給年輕人做衣服。
Statements in English:
  • The young man does not know how to describe the color of the new suit.
  • The old tailor has a good sense of humor.
  • The old tailor usually adds sugar while making dresses.
  • The old tailor does not like to make clothes for young people.

Waiter and Customer

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“在饭馆里,顾客问服务员:“这算什么鸡呀,全是皮和骨头!” “难道您还要羽毛吗?”

在飯館裏,顧客問服務員:“這算什麼雞呀,全是皮和骨頭!” “難道您還要羽毛嗎?””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 服务员给顾客上菜的时候忘了放羽毛。 / 服務員給顧客上菜的時候忘了放羽毛。
  • 服务员建议顾客点菜时点羽毛。 / 服務員建議顧客點菜時點羽毛。
  • 顾客觉得服务员上错了菜。 / 顧客覺得服務員上錯了菜。
  • 顾客对饭馆的菜很不满意。 / 顧客對飯館的菜很不滿意。
Statements in English:
  • The waiter forgot to add feather while serving the chicken dish to the customer.
  • The waiter suggests that the customer order feather while ordering dishes.
  • The customer thinks that the waiter has brought out the wrong dish.
  • The customer is very unsatisfied with the dish served at the restaurant.

Moyisha and Guest

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“莫伊沙,你坐在我的帽子上了。” “我知道。怎么,你已经要走了吗?”

“莫伊沙,你坐在我的帽子上了。” “我知道。怎麼,你已經要走了嗎?””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 客人问帽子的事,因为他已经准备离开。 / 客人問帽子的事,因為他已經準備離開。
  • 莫伊沙不知道自己坐在客人的帽子上了。
  • 莫伊沙坐在客人的帽子上,客人很不高兴。 / 莫伊沙坐在客人的帽子上,客人很不高興。
  • 莫伊沙听说客人要走,很舍不得。 / 莫伊沙聽說客人要走,很捨不得。
Statements in English:
  • The guest is asking about his hat because he is going to leave.
  • Moyisha does not know that he is sitting on the guest’s hat.
  • Moyisha is sitting on the guest’s hat, and the guest is mad.
  • Having heard that the guest is leaving, Moyisha is loath to part with him.

Moyisha and Driver

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

莫伊沙帮司机把车从水坑里拖了出来。他说:“干这个活,得给我付2000块钱。” “凭什么?”司机被激怒了。“1000块钱为了我帮你把汽车拖出水坑,另1000块钱是因为这个坑是我挖的。”

莫伊沙幫司機把車從水坑裏拖了出來。他說:“幹這個活,得給我付2000塊錢。” “憑什麼?”司機被激怒了。“1000塊錢為了我幫你把汽車拖出水坑,另1000塊錢是因為這個坑是我挖的。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙帮助司机,是为了挣钱。 / 莫伊沙幫助司機,是為了掙錢。
  • 莫伊沙故意坑害别人。
  • 莫伊沙帮司机拖车,让司机很不高兴。 / 莫伊沙幫司機拖車,讓司機很不高興。
  • 莫伊沙挖了坑,应该向司机收费。 / 莫伊沙挖了坑,應該向司機收費。
Statements in English:
  • The reason Moyisha helps the driver is to make money.
  • Moyisha harmed others on purpose.
  • Moyisha helped the driver pull his car, which made the driver unhappy.
  • Moyisha dug a pit and should charge the driver for it.

Moyisha and Tea

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙临死也没有把自己沏茶的秘密告诉大家。 / 莫伊沙臨死也沒有把自己沏茶的秘密告訴大家。
  • 莫伊沙打算离开大家。 / 莫伊沙打算離開大家。
  • 沏好茶很简单,多放茶叶就行。 / 沏好茶很簡單,多放茶葉就行。
  • 莫伊沙告诉犹太人,沏茶时要珍惜茶叶。 / 莫伊沙告訴猶太人,沏茶時要珍惜茶葉。
Statements in English:
  • Even before his death, Moyisha did not reveal his secret of making tea.
  • Moyisha plans to leave everyone.
  • It is easy to make good tea. One only has to add more tea leaves.
  • Moyisha tells the Jews that when making tea one must cherish the tea leaves.

King Solomon

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

“妈妈,为什么所罗门是世界上最聪明的国王?” “因为她有许多妻子,他可以和所有的妻子商量事情。”

“媽媽,為什麼所羅門是世界上最聰明的國王?” “因為她有許多妻子,他可以和所有的妻子商量事情。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 所罗门国王的每个妻子都比他聪明。 / 所羅門國王的每個妻子都比他聰明。
  • 所罗门国王不信任任何一个妻子,所以有事要和所有的妻子商量。 / 所羅門國王不信任任何一個妻子,所以有事要和所有的妻子商量。
  • 所罗门国王不知道应该怎样做决定,总要靠妻子帮忙。 / 所羅門國王不知道應該怎樣做決定,總要靠妻子幫忙。
  • 所罗门国王善于听取别人的意见。 / 所羅門國王善於聽取別人的意見。
Statements in English:
  • Each of King Solomon’s wives is smarter than he is.
  • King Solomon does not trust any of his wives; therefore, he has to consult with all of them to make a decision.
  • King Solomon does not know how to make a decision, so he relies on his wives very much.
  • King Solomon is very good at listening to the opinions of other people.

Moyisha and Clothing

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

两个犹太人相遇了。“莫伊沙,你为什么这样忧愁啊?” “是这样,我想去跳河自杀。” “你疯了!你怎么能穿这么新的衣服呀!”

兩個猶太人相遇了。“莫伊沙,你為什麼這樣憂愁啊?” “是這樣,我想去跳河自殺。” “你瘋了!你怎麼能穿這麼新的衣服呀!””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙穿上新衣服很不高兴。 / 莫伊沙穿上新衣服很不高興。
  • 莫伊沙的新衣服不合适。 / 莫伊沙的新衣服不合適。
  • 莫伊沙不想活了。
  • 莫伊沙疯了。 / 莫伊沙瘋了。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha is very unhappy wearing new clothing.
  • Moyisha’s new clothes do not fit him.
  • Moyisha does not want to live anymore.
  • Moyisha has gone crazy.