Waiter and Customer

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments

“在饭馆里,顾客问服务员:“这算什么鸡呀,全是皮和骨头!” “难道您还要羽毛吗?”

在飯館裏,顧客問服務員:“這算什麼雞呀,全是皮和骨頭!” “難道您還要羽毛嗎?””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 服务员给顾客上菜的时候忘了放羽毛。 / 服務員給顧客上菜的時候忘了放羽毛。
  • 服务员建议顾客点菜时点羽毛。 / 服務員建議顧客點菜時點羽毛。
  • 顾客觉得服务员上错了菜。 / 顧客覺得服務員上錯了菜。
  • 顾客对饭馆的菜很不满意。 / 顧客對飯館的菜很不滿意。
Statements in English:
  • The waiter forgot to add feather while serving the chicken dish to the customer.
  • The waiter suggests that the customer order feather while ordering dishes.
  • The customer thinks that the waiter has brought out the wrong dish.
  • The customer is very unsatisfied with the dish served at the restaurant.

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