ARTstor Powerpoint Presentation

Export to PowerPoint Now Available from ARTstor

Some new features and updates were recently released from ARTstor, including an Export to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 feature for all registered users. From the ARTstor blog:

When viewing an image group, look for the Export to PowerPoint icon in the utility bar or click Tools > Export to PowerPoint. The resulting PowerPoint file will include:

  • A title slide displaying the name of the image group
  • Individual slides for each image in the group, in the order in which they appear in the image group
  • ARTstor descriptive data for each image, appearing in the notes field of each slide
  • Embedded hyperlinks in each image that will launch the ARTstor Image Viewer when clicked in presentation mode (requires web access)

Learn more about Export to PowerPoint.

Color Image Quality Powerpoint Presentation Software

Moving Presentations from PC to Mac and Back

Have you ever experienced difficulties opening PowerPoint presentations on a Mac after you’ve created them on a PC, or vice versa? Check out this website with plenty of helpful hints to ensure that your presentations look great no matter what computer you’re using.

If you have any questions about making presentation software work for you, please contact the VRC.

Powerpoint Presentation Software Tech Support

YouTube Videos in Powerpoint or Keynote


Here’s a quick way for PC users to add YouTube links to PowerPoint presentations:

Mac users have to download videos before inserting into a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. This is easier with free software like Tooble. Here’s how it works in Keynote:


Powerpoint Presentation Software Tech Support

Creating a Slide Theme in PowerPoint 2008

Please note: to view these PowerPoint illustrations at a larger size, click on the images.

To create a simple Art History style PowerPoint 2008 theme, first open a new presentation. The Formatting Palette will appear on the right side; if it does not, click on the “Toolbox” icon from the menu bar. On the Formatting Palette, select Style 4, which is a black background with white text.

To ensure that any subsequent text added to the slide with a text box is formatted correctly (ie, in white font), create a “test” text box by selecting that icon from the menu bar.

Once you have created and tested the text box…

…you’re ready to save the slide theme. Select “Save Theme” from the Formatting Palette.

Select a name for your theme that will be recognizable to you later.

To apply your theme to any future presentation, select the “Slide Themes” tab.

Next, select the “Custom Themes” tab. You will then see your theme saved with the title you assigned. Click on its thumbnail and you’re set!

You can follow the above steps to save other types of Microsoft Office 2008 themes as well. If you have any questions, please contact the VRC.

Powerpoint Presentation

Add a Folder of Images to a Mac Powerpoint Presentation

Are you using Powerpoint on a Mac? If so, you can easily load a folder of images into a presentation with just a few clicks. The VRC can install this simple program for you. Just contact us for more information.

ARTstor Powerpoint

ARTstor in 4 Minutes: Download Images to PowerPoint

Click on the image to learn how to download images from ARTstor and put them in PowerPoint for a classroom presentation.

Click here to view all ARTstor videos on Youtube.

ARTstor Luna Powerpoint Presentation Tech Support VRC

Wondering how to . . .

. . . make a PowerPoint presentation?

. . . create a high-quality digital image?

. . . find works of art in the VRC Collection?

. . . export a detail from Luna Insight?

. . . share a group of images in ARTstor?

The VRC can help you with all things related to digital imaging. Contact us to set up an appointment.

Powerpoint Presentation

What Size Images Should I Use in Presentations?

The VRC recommends that you scan your images at about 1400 pixels on the longest edge of the digital image. Your computer will project up to 1400 (w) x 1050 (h) pixels on our projectors. Click here for a good explanation of Powerpoint-presentation image size from Microsoft.