Moyisha and Wallet

August 18th, 2016 § 0 comments

莫伊沙在兜里翻来翻去,找了整整一个小时,然后苦恼地对妻子说:“萨拉,我找不到我的钱包了,里边有很多钱呐!你帮我找找吧。” “裤兜里找了吗?” “找了。” “风衣兜里呢?” “找了。” “里面的兜呢?” “没找。” “为什么?” “要是那里也没有,我一定会急死的!”

莫伊沙在兜裏翻來翻去,找了整整一個小時,然後苦惱地對妻子說:“薩拉,我找不到我的錢包了,裏邊有很多錢呐!你幫我找找吧。” “褲兜裏找了嗎?” “找了。” “風衣兜裏呢?” “找了。” “裏面的兜呢?” “沒找。” “為什麼?” “要是那裏也沒有,我一定會急死的!””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙找了所有的地方,都没有找到钱包。 / 莫伊沙找了所有的地方,都沒有找到錢包。
  • 莫伊沙以为自己找了所有的地方,其实还没看里面的兜。 / 莫伊沙以為自己找了所有的地方,其實還沒看裏面的兜。
  • 莫伊沙特意没有找里面的兜,因为他知道钱包不在那里。 / 莫伊沙特意沒有找裏面的兜,因為他知道錢包不在那裏。
  • 莫伊沙怕最后的希望落空,所以不敢看里面的兜。 / 莫伊沙怕最後的希望落空,所以不敢看裏面的兜。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha has searched all places but failed to find his wallet.
  • Moyisha thought that he had searched all places, but in fact did not search the inside of his pocket.
  • Moyisha purposefully did not search the inside of his pocket because he knew his wallet was not there.
  • Moyisha dares not search the inside of his pocket because he is afraid to lose his last hope.

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