
Women Writers Online

The Women Writers Project is providing free public access* to Women Writers Online, a database of early modern texts written by women, during Women’s History month. While the database does not contain images, you may find some interesting commentary on art and artists, for example:

excerpts from pages 89 and 111 of Margaret (Lucas) Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, The World’s Olio, 1655 (pages  89, 111)

Or it were better see a Gentleman hew down trees, or dig in the bowels of the earth amongst minerals, than painting, or pencilling: for that shews manly strength, command and force over the hardiest of natures works, so as it be voluntary and not slavish. It is more manly to be a Souldier . . .

“There be some that condemn the Art of Painting in Women, others that defend it; for, say they, as Nature hath made one World, so Art another, and that Art is become the Mistris of Nature; neither is it against Nature to help the Defects. Besides, those that find out new Arts, are esteemed so, that they become as Petty Gods, whether they become Advantageous to Man, or no . . .”

* WWO is always available to the University of Chicago community via library subscription.


Art to Go

The Art to Go Bag sells for $150 @ the J. Paul Getty Museum Store and pairs well with this high-tech 35-mm viewer, which might even be mistaken for a previous generation ipod.

ARTstor Luna Tech Support

Share This!

What’s the easiest way to share images from LUNA and ARTstor?
Create a link.
LUNA’s Share This feature creates a link for whatever you’re looking at: one image, a group of images, search results, or even a presentation. Just click Share This in the window you want to share. Copy the link and paste into an email or Chalk. For details, see LUNA Help.


ARTstor has a similar feature. Select the image thumbnail or view the image group you want to share. Click Generate image url in the Share menu. For full details, see ARTstor Help.


Digitised Manuscripts Blog

New from the British Library is the Digitised Manuscripts Blog by Juan Garcés,  project manager of the Greek Manuscripts Digitisation Project. Funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the project will digitize 250 Greek manuscripts of the British Library’s 1,000 Greek codices and 3,000 Greek papyri by summer 2010.

American Images on the Web Photography

National Archives Joins Flickr Commons

The National Archives and Records Administration is now a member of Flickr Commons, a website for cultural institutions to share their photograph collections with the public. The National Archives joins the New York Public Library, the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress and many other archives, libraries and museums in sharing their collections with Flickr. Visit NARA’s photostream by clicking here.

To mark the opening of its photostream in the Commons on February 4, 2010, the National Archives has posted a new photo set containing more than two hundred photographs of the American West by renowned American photographer Ansel Adams.

Innovative Technology Software Tech Support

Manage Citations and More with Zotero

Zotero is a comprehensive citation manager for Firefox, designed to facilitate research and aid in the creation of bibliographies. It can also go beyond managing citations to help you organize all different kinds of information found on the Internet. Check out this easy-to-follow overview of Zotero from Lifehacker, and keep an eye out for training sessions offered by the University of Chicago Library by subscribing to their workshops and events calendar. There is a Zotero training session today from 2-3:30pm at Regenstein Library, Room 127.

Images on the Web Innovative Technology Medieval Modern - Contemporary Museums Renaissance - Baroque

Interactive Timeline from the British Library

Timelines: Sources from History, available on the British Library’s website, allows you to explore British Library collection items chronologically. It includes items from the medieval period to the present, and a diverse array of items from everyday life (handbills, posters, diaries) and from political events (charters, speeches, campaign leaflets).


February Free Days at the Art Institute

Visit the Art Institute of Chicago any day, at any time during the entire month of February and receive free general admission. Take the opportunity to revisit old favorites or explore the new Modern Wing.


Asking for Permission

Are you publishing your work and beginning to contemplate copyright? If you’re not sure where to start, Vassar College provides an excellent website with information about asking for permission to use a variety of media. They also have a page specifically about requests to use images.

Modern - Contemporary Moving Images Museums

New Podcast Series from TateShots: Sound & Vision

TateShots is a podcast from the Tate Modern which presents a selection of short videos each month about modern and contemporary art. The next TateShots series, called Sound & Vision, will feature musicians who cross boundaries into visual art: Talking Heads front-man David Byrne; The Fall’s Mark E. Smith; Cosey Fanni Tutti of Throbbing Gristle; anti-folk singer and cartoonist Jeffrey Lewis; performance poet Lydia Lunch and the prolific Billy Childish – who will be shown interviewing himself. For a preview of the series, click here. To be sure you don’t miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast.