Moyisha and Neighbor

August 19th, 2016 § 0 comments

快要死去的邻居问莫伊沙:“如果我送给你1000块钱,我的灵魂会升入天堂吗?” “我说不准,不过,我们可以试试,万一成功呢!”

快要死去的鄰居問莫伊沙:“如果我送給你1000塊錢,我的靈魂會升入天堂嗎?” “我說不準,不過,我們可以試試,萬一成功呢!””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 如果莫伊沙的邻居送给他1000块钱,邻居的灵魂就能升天堂。 / 如果莫伊沙的鄰居送給他1000塊錢,鄰居的靈魂就能升天堂。
  • 莫伊沙很想得到邻居的1000块钱。 / 莫伊沙很想得到鄰居的1000塊錢。
  • 莫伊沙不知道邻居的灵魂能不能升天堂。 / 莫伊沙不知道鄰居的靈魂能不能升天堂。
  • 莫伊沙觉得邻居的灵魂有万分之一的希望升天堂。 / 莫伊沙覺得鄰居的靈魂有萬分之一的希望升天堂。
Statements in English:
  • If Moyisha’s neighbor gave him $1,000, the neighbor’s soul can go to heaven.
  • Moyisha very much wants to receive the $1,000 from his neighbor.
  • Moyisha does not know whether his neighbor’s soul can go to heaven or not.
  • Moyisha thinks that there is a very small chance that his neighbor’s soul can go to heaven.

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