Moyisha, Wife, and Money

August 18th, 2016 § 0 comments



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙忘了给妻子把钱放在信封里。 / 莫伊沙忘了給妻子把錢放在信封裏。
  • 莫伊沙先把信封粘上了,然后才开始给妻子写信。 / 莫伊沙先把信封粘上了,然後才開始給妻子寫信。
  • 莫伊沙下次会给妻子寄钱。 / 莫伊沙下次會給妻子寄錢。
  • 莫伊沙没打算给妻子寄钱。 / 莫伊沙沒打算給妻子寄錢。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha forgot to put the money for his wife in the envelope.
  • Moyisha has sealed the envelope and started to write a letter to his wife.
  • Moyisha will send money to his wife next time.
  • Moyisha does not have any intention to send money to his wife.

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