Lesson 20: Seedling – 拔苗助长

April 25th, 2016 § 0 comments

从前,有一个人种了水稻。他每天都去田里看他的稻苗。他觉得稻苗长得太慢了。于是,他就把每一棵稻苗都拔高了一点儿。他干了一整天。晚上,他回到家里,对家人说: “我今天干了很多活儿。我帮助稻苗长高了。 ”家人到田里去看,看到稻苗都死了。

從前,有一個人種了水稻。他每天都去田裏看他的稻苗。他覺得稻苗長得太慢了。於是,他就把每一棵稻苗都拔高了一點兒。他幹了一整天。晚上,他回到家裏,對家人說: “我今天幹了很多活兒。我幫助稻苗長高了。 “家人到田裏去看,看到稻苗都死了。”

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • Because the man did not work hard.
  • Because the man did not plant his rice seedlings correctly.
  • Because his family did not help him.
  • The man pulled up his rice seedlings and killed all of them.

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