有一个人养了一些羊。羊圈的墙上有一个洞。一天晚上,狼从那个洞里进来,拖走了一只羊。这个人的朋友说: “墙上有洞,狼进来拖走了羊。你快把墙修一修吧。 “这个人说: “羊已经被偷走了,修墙有什么用? ”他没有修墙。结果,第二天夜里,狼又来了,把他的羊都拖走了。
有一個人養了一些羊。羊圈的牆上有一個洞。一天晚上,狼從那個洞裏進來,拖走了一隻羊。這個人的朋友說: “牆上有洞,狼進來拖走了羊。你快把牆修一修吧。 “這個人說: “羊已經被偷走了,修牆有什麼用? “他沒有修牆。結果,第二天夜裏,狼又來了,把他的羊都拖走了。 ”
Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.
- The man did not fix the broken wall promptly after he found the problem.
- The man did not close his sheep pen and a wolf came to steal his sheep.
- The man did not know there was a hole on the wall of his sheep pen.
- The man did not have a sheep pen.