American Design Images on the Web

Chicago Transit Posters from the 1920s

A recent article in Salon (originally published in Imprint) includes high-resolution images of 1920s Chicago Transit Posters. The article compares these posters to advertising for the London Underground.

Via Chicago History Museum.

Design Images on the Web

Malaysia Design Archive

Malaysia Design Archive is a project to map the development of graphic design in Malaysia from the period before independence (1957) until now. It is a space to trace and document Malaysian ‘endangered’ design legacy, to preserve our historical past, as well as to create a resource of Malaysian design work.

This is also another way to protect our history, provide us with space to question its meaning, recurring imagery, icons used, ideas, and how it is connected to the our political landscape at the time. This project aims to highlight the importance of archiving as a way protect and preserve our own visual history.

Via South Asian American Digital Archive.

Architecture Innovative Technology

Architectural Models and More, Printed in 3-D

The New York Times recently published an article about 3-D printing technology and its impact on several industries, including design and architecture.  3-D printing technology may eventually advance from the creation of architectural models to the construction of actual buildings:

A California start-up is even working on building houses. Its printer, which would fit on a tractor-trailer, would use patterns delivered by computer, squirt out layers of special concrete and build entire walls that could be connected to form the basis of a house.

For a demonstration of the kinds of products manufactured with this technology see the video included in the NYT story.

Artnet Design Images by Subscription Modern - Contemporary

20th Century Design in Artnet

artnet logo20th Century Design is now included in the auction results database.
From Tiffany lamps to Ponti chairs and Newson lounges, Artnet has expanded the largest fully-illustrated arts database to include modern and contemporary design. For more information, please contact Nancy Spiegel, Bibliographer for Art and Cinema.