ARTstor Powerpoint Presentation

Export to PowerPoint Now Available from ARTstor

Some new features and updates were recently released from ARTstor, including an Export to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 feature for all registered users. From the ARTstor blog:

When viewing an image group, look for the Export to PowerPoint icon in the utility bar or click Tools > Export to PowerPoint. The resulting PowerPoint file will include:

  • A title slide displaying the name of the image group
  • Individual slides for each image in the group, in the order in which they appear in the image group
  • ARTstor descriptive data for each image, appearing in the notes field of each slide
  • Embedded hyperlinks in each image that will launch the ARTstor Image Viewer when clicked in presentation mode (requires web access)

Learn more about Export to PowerPoint.

By arybin

Assistant Director, Visual Resources Collection, University of Chicago
THATCamp Organizer

2 replies on “Export to PowerPoint Now Available from ARTstor”

The export to powerpoint should make a lot of people happy- but I also would love to see the possibility of saving OIV presentations as powerpoint or keynote presentations.

It would be so great not to always have to swap in/out my laptop when giving conference papers b/c the host laptop never has the OIV software loaded.

thanks for posting this- I try to keep an eye on the Artstor blog, but often miss things!

Thank you for the feedback, Aden. We have heard this request from others as well and have passed it along to ARTstor. I will let you know what they say!

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