ARTstor Images by Subscription News

Change to ARTstor Download Policy

A recent modification to ARTstor’s policies now requires all users to log in before downloading images, whether on- or off-campus. The change was prompted by a need for more complete user statistics. From ARTstor:

This [log in] information – which includes the email that you use to register and a disciplinary affiliation – will help us better serve you and other ARTstor users:  The information will allow us to build future collections that best meet users’ needs. We will also use the anonymized data to provide feedback to museums and other collection providers, which plays a very helpful role in making the case for their broadly sharing their collections to the educational community through ARTstor.

The VRC continues to recommend that all ARTstor users register before searching for images. This will ensure access to all of ARTstor’s features, including image download.

For instructions on registering for ARTstor, please view ARTstor’s registration tutorial. You must either be on-campus or accessing ARTstor through the library proxy. If registering with your Cnet email address, please do NOT use your Cnet password (for security reasons). For information about other ARTstor updates, including new image collections, please click here.

Please contact VRC staff with any questions.


By arybin

Assistant Director, Visual Resources Collection, University of Chicago
THATCamp Organizer