
Living Collections Catalogue

The Walker Art Center recently announced the launch of a project – the Living Collections Catalogue. Published in volumes around a broad theme, each catalogue is a media-rich collection of essays focusing on that theme, as well as essays on particular works of art in the Walker collection.

The Walker states that it “aims to create a sustainable publishing platform that will be of service to academics and art enthusiasts. The designs adopt a visual aesthetic for navigation and page layouts blending the best qualities of the book, magazine, and online forms. With the release of new volumes, we anticipate adding new features and making improvements as our understanding of this hybrid environment—the intersection of a collections database with printed catalogue and digital reading environments continues to evolve.”

There are currently two catalogues on the site: On Performativity and Art Expanded, 1958-1978. A third catalog, on Merce Cunningham, is due in 2017.