Location: The Franke Institute
Session 3 Chair: Anne Pycha (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
09:00 – 09:45
Invited panelist: Bryan Gick (University of British Columbia)
How anatomy gets in the way of a theory of sound change
09:45 – 10:15
Marianne Nadeu and José Hualde (UIUC)
Reinterpretation of biomechanics as gender-conditioned variation in the origin of diachronic intervocalic voicing
Sharon Inkelas (UC Berkeley) and Tara McAllister Byun (NYU)
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny: Child speech development as a microcosm of sound change
Alan Yu (University of Chicago)
Individual differences in coarticulation: The origin of allophony of sibilant allophony in Cantonese
Invited discussant: Jeff Mielke (North Carolina State University)
Lunch and Poster Session 2
- Mark Antoniou (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Patrick Wong (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Erin M. Ingvalson (Northwestern) & Suiping Wang (South China Normal University): Cognitive contributors to individual differences in speech perception: Implications for sound change actuation
- Tanya Flores (Indiana): Accommodating to stereotypes
- James Kirby (Edinburgh) & Morgan Sonderegger (McGill): A model of population dynamics in phonetic change
- Chris Koops, Joan Bybee, & Richard J. File-Muriel (New Mexico): The role of palatals in the fronting of /u/
- Chia-Hsin Yeh & Yen-Hwei Lin (Michigan State University): The articulation-induced change of non-high level tone
Session 4 Chair: Salikoko Mufwene
14:30 – 15:15
Invited panelist: Rob Podesva (Stanford)
15:15 – 15:45
Robin Dodsworth (NCSU)
Uniformity and exceptional speakers at the inception of contact-induced change
16:00 – 16:30
Kevin McGowan (Rice) and Anna Babel (OSU)
Perception of Spanish in contact: Bolivian listeners’ expectation and awareness of socioindexical variation
16:30 -17:00
Alicia Wassink and John Riebold (Washington)
Individual variation and linguistic innovation in the American Pacific Northwest
17:00 – 17:45
Invited discussant: Jane Stuart-Smith (Glasgow)
Dinner Party