Al-Zir Salim in History and Folktales

by Amina Mohamed

Amina Mohamed is Lecturer of Arabic at the University of Chicago.

MP3 – Part 1
MP3 – Part 2

Originally recorded February 17, 2006

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Translation and the Other

by Farouk Mustafa

Dr. Mustafa is Ibn Rushd Professorial Lecturer in Modern Arabic Language, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago.

MP3 – Part 1
MP3 – Part 2

Originally recorded February 3, 2006

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The Latest Work of Munira Misbah

read by Munira Misbah


Originally recorded January 20, 2006

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Abu Nawas in America

by Orit Bashkin

Dr. Bashkin is Assistant Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History at the University of Chicago.


Originally recorded January 6, 2006

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Egypt Through Iraqi Eyes

by Mahmoud Saeed


Originally recorded November 18, 2005

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My Experience with Writing

by Hala El Badry

Born in Cairo in 1954, Hala El Badry graduated from Cairo University and is now deputy editor-in-chief of Egypt’s radio and television magazine. “A Certain Woman”, her fourth novel, was awarded the prize for the best novel of 2001 at the Cairo International Book Fair.


Originally recorded November 11, 2005

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The Intellectual Dialogue in al-Andalus in the 7th/13th Century: Its Reflection in Sufi Poetry

by Hayat Kara

Professor Hayat is the director of ( U.F.R ) research and formation unit in Andalusian and Maghribi Studies at Mohammad V University in Rabat, Morocco.


Originally recorded November 4, 2005

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Welcome to the new U of C Arabic Circle page!

At long last, we have our own dedicated blog hosted through the U of C.  We have a few more hurdles to jump, and then we can start uploading our old content and broadcasting this year’s events in an RSS-friendly way.  Stay tuned, more is soon to come!

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