Exhibitions Modern - Contemporary News Reviews

Top 20 (or so) Art Blogs

This list of the best art blogs for exhibition reviews and other art news was compiled by Joy Garnett, Associate Library Manager, Robert Goldwater Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art (let me know your favorites, and I’ll add them to this site):

  • Wooster Collective

    The Wooster Collective was founded in 2001. This site is dedicated to showcasing and celebrating ephemeral art placed on streets in cities around the world.

  • Two Coats of Paint

    Two Coats of Paint posts reviews, commentary, and background information about painting and related subjects on one easily accessible site. TCOP is maintained by Sharon L. Butler.

  • PaintersNYC

  • Newsgrist

    NEWSgrist was started in March 2000 as an e-zine devoted to the politics of art and culture in the digital age. For four years it was distributed entirely by email subscription. In April 2004 it morphed into a blog.

  • Modern Art Notes

    Tyler Green’s blog about modern and contemporary art. This is my chronicle of my thoughts of and passions for modern and contemporary art. It’s updated pretty much every weekday, and occasionally on weekends when something particularly irks or emboldens m

  • Modern Art Obsession

    A NYC Modern Art Obsessed Collector – The Rants of a Completely Obsessed NYC Modern Art Collector


    James Wagner lives in New York and writes about art and politics on He is the editor, along with Barry Hoggard, of the arts calendar ArtCal.

  • Happy Famous Artists

    happy famous artists are an artistic collective combining ideas of intelligensius anarchus and jeff blind

  • the making of, the making of: movies, art, &c., by greg allen

    On, I document my filmmaking and writing projects, which currently include a series of documentary-style shorts, an animated musical, and a couple of feature film scripts. I also expand on ideas and inspirations related to my work. So I publish i

  • Grammar.police

    Kriston Capps writes G.p from the District, where he lives with his dog and roommates. He was born in Texas, raised on brisket, and lives for Longhorns football.

  • Gallery Hopper

    Your guide to the best of fine art photography, galleries and events in New York City and beyond.

  • Eyebeam reBlog

    The Eyebeam reBlog is a community site focused on art, technology, and culture. The guest reBlogger is filtering feeds provided by artists, curators, bloggers, and news sites. With the touch of a button the reBlogger selects material to share with the Eye

  • Bureaux. The Editors’ Blog at

    Bureaux is a place where the editors and the readers of petiteMort can share thier thoughts with other readers of petiteMort.

  • bloggy

    Barry Hoggard lives in New York and writes about art and politics on He is the editor, along with James Wagner, of the arts calendar ArtCal. He also operates a platform for hosting artist and gallery website

  • Bad at Sports

    Contemporary Art Talk. Bad at Sports online is powered by Canadian Willpower 2.3.1 and Chicagoian Knowhow by Duncan Richard and Christopher

  • Art Fag City

    As relevant as Eric Fischl. New York art news, reviews and gossip. Art Fag City is Paddy Johnson.

  • Art21 Blog

  • is a unique blend of editorial and community content, combining the insight and critical weight of some of today’s most important artworld voices with the input and opinions of everyday enthusiasts from around the world.

  • artblog

    by roberta fallon and libby rosof

  • ArtCal – The opinionated guide to New York art galleries

By mmacken

twitter: meganmacken

Director, Visual Resources Center and Digital Media Archive, Division of the Humanities, The University of Chicago.

My academic background ranges from classics and comparative literature to modern art and architectural history, and so, naturally, I am a librarian. I have graduate degrees in art history and library science, manage digital image and audio collections for the Division of the Humanities, and am always eager to collaborate across disciplines, universities, and even continents! I'm interested in exploring the library's role in Digital Humanities, not just as an archive for born-digital objects but as a locus for Digital Humanities centers. At THATCamp I'm excited to find out how others are visualizing data, especially to facilitate creative research and teaching in art and architectural history and film studies. How can visual data (still images, film, 3D models, etc) move beyond illustration and become a source for research? What kind of creative information retrieval interfaces do we need to do this? We've got metadata...let's make it work!

4 replies on “Top 20 (or so) Art Blogs”

yet another visual recommendation — not necessarily artsy, but definitely… topvn.

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