ARTstor Chalk

ARTstor and Chalk

You can share individual ARTstor images, image groups, and presentations in Chalk. It is as simple as copying and pasting a link.

Within the next few weeks, the majority of the VRC collection will be available in ARTstor. You’ll be able to combine ARTstor and VRC images in one group and share them with your students or classmates.

To learn more about ARTstor or to schedule an individual training session, please contact Megan.

By mmacken

twitter: meganmacken

Director, Visual Resources Center and Digital Media Archive, Division of the Humanities, The University of Chicago.

My academic background ranges from classics and comparative literature to modern art and architectural history, and so, naturally, I am a librarian. I have graduate degrees in art history and library science, manage digital image and audio collections for the Division of the Humanities, and am always eager to collaborate across disciplines, universities, and even continents! I'm interested in exploring the library's role in Digital Humanities, not just as an archive for born-digital objects but as a locus for Digital Humanities centers. At THATCamp I'm excited to find out how others are visualizing data, especially to facilitate creative research and teaching in art and architectural history and film studies. How can visual data (still images, film, 3D models, etc) move beyond illustration and become a source for research? What kind of creative information retrieval interfaces do we need to do this? We've got metadata...let's make it work!

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