Chicago Linguists at SALT 26

Chicago linguistitcs will enjoy a strong showing at the upcoming Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 26 this weekend at the University of Texas, Austin:

  • Rebekah Baglini (PhD ’15): The semantics of quotative ideophones
  • Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (BA ’07, MA ’07): Focus association into copies and the scope of even
  • Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine and Hadas Kotek: Untangling Tanglewood using covert focus movement
  • Itamar Francez: Summative existentials
  • Julian Grove and Emily Hanink: Article selection and anaphora in the German relative clause
  • Timothy Leffel, Ming Xiang and Chris Kennedy: Imprecision is pragmatic: Evidence from referential processing
  • Malte Willer and Chris Kennedy: Subjective Attitudes and Counterstance Contingency

Chicago Linguists @ ACAL 47

Several Chicago students and faculty are presenting at the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL) at UC Berkeley from March 23-26:

  • Jonathan Pesetsky: How and When To Be Alive: Animacy in Swahili
  • Joanna Pietraszko: The Ndebele relative marker as a nominal linker
  • Rebecca Baglini (PhD ’15): The lexical semantics of Wolof ideophones
  • Betsy Pillion, Lenore Grenoble, Emmanuel Ngue Um (Yaounde), & Sarah Kopper (Michigan State): Verbal gestures in Cameroon
  • Kathryn Franich: Cues to Tone Perception in Medumba

Also, Jeff Good (BA ’98, MA, ’98) is one of the invited speakers of the conference and will be talking about “Stability under contact as a guide to reconstruction: Noun classes, argument alignment, and the Macro-Sudan belt”.