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Literary History: Russian Theories in a post-Hegelian Key


A round table discussion at ASEEES 45th Annual Convention, to be held at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, MA, November 21-24, 2013.


The participants of this round table hope to reflect on the Russian tradition of literary history with a view to re-invigorating its study today.  Every attempt to grasp the literary-historical continuum presupposes a certain philosophy of history, theory of temporality as well as a conception of the relationship between literature and life.  We will inquire into these “conditions for the possibility” of the various literary histories we hope to examine: those of the Belinsky generation, the literary critics of the Native Soil group, Alexander Veselovsky, Mikhail Bakhtin, Olga Freidenberg, and Yerimiya Yoffe.  This will then provide a framework for a conversation in which highly diverse attempts at historicizing literature can be brought together for productive examination.



  • Luba Golburt, UC Berkeley
  • Anke Hennig, Free U Berlin
  • Kate Holland, U of Toronto (Chair)
  • Ilya Kliger, New York U
  • Boris Maslov, U of Chicago
  • Victoria Somoff, Dartmouth College

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