Contact Us

If you have questions or comments, please email us at:

elucidations at listhost dot uchicago dot edu.


39 responses to “Contact Us”

  1. Paul Rivetti Avatar
    Paul Rivetti

    Hi Matt,
    I really enjoy your podcast. How about an episode on counterfactual conditionals and how they are applied. I majored in history but your podcast makes philosophy interesting. Counterfactuals are one topic that I find difficult.

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Hi Paul,

      Thanks for listening! Very glad to hear you enjoy the podcast. We’ve actually just recorded a whole episode on counterfactuals with Paolo Santorio, though it isn’t going to come out for a while. (Paolo’s work on counterfactuals is superb.) I can definitely see why you’d be interested in counterfactuals as a historian! There’s been some interesting work on the role of counterfactuals in historiography specficially, which I can try to dig up the references on if you’re interested.

      In the meanwhile, here’s a paper on counterfactuals that I really like:

      If you find that one too formal/technical, the opening two chapters of David Lewis’ book, Counterfactuals, are a little more accessible and always a lot of fun to read. Hopefully as the field develops, more people will step up to the plate and write some fully introductory textbook-style material on some of these core topics in philosophical logic.

  2. Neil MacKenzie Avatar
    Neil MacKenzie

    Hi Matt, I’m listening to Elucidations, currently up to #70, think they’re great, would happily post a review/recommendation as requested but don’t know how to. I access the podcasts via website, not iTunes. Have looked at iTunes but don’t see any reviews. Please advise.
    Neil MacKenzie.
    PS I came to Elucidations via a recommendation from Peter Adamson’s history of philosophy podcasts.

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Hi Neil,

      Thanks so much for taking the time to listen! You can visit our iTunes page here:

      If you have iTunes installed on your computer, there is a link from that page you can click on to take you to Elucidations page within iTunes, from which you can leave ratings and reviews. Let me know if you have any difficulty.

      -Matt Teichman.

  3. Mitchell Marks Avatar
    Mitchell Marks

    Hi Matt,

    Have you considered doing an Elucidations episode with Christine Korsgaard? I was reminded of her interesting take on animal rights by a mention in a recent New Yorker article on that topic,

    Actually, I imagined you had already done so and that I had heard it! But the Search on this site doesn’t turn anything up. (Likely it was … erm … Philosophy Bites.) I may have mentally linked that to Elucidations because of her former UChicago connection.


    ==Mitch Marks

    1. Mitchell Marks Avatar
      Mitchell Marks

      Following up on where I heard her interviewed on a podcast, it was indeed as speculated on Philosophy Bites:

      Both the New Yorker and this Philosophy Bites blurb (and if I recall correctly, the introduction in the audio) mention Harvard but not her previous affiliation here at UChicago. I don’t really suppose that means she owes you an interview … but you could try out that appeal! 🙂

      ==Mitch Marks

      1. Matt Teichman Avatar

        Hi, Mitch!

        Thanks for the suggestion. Korsgaard is a brilliant philosopher and absolutely at the top of my list to have on as a guest. Hopefully she will pass through town before too long and will have time to record one with me!


  4. Peter Avatar

    This is by far the best podcast about (hardcore) philosophy I have listened to. I recently built a homepage where philosophy is discussed and I have links to your podcast which is updated through rss feeds for trying to support it.
    My forum are mostly for a swedish audience but I hope to develope it further for a wider group. I hope you continue your excellent work! I also hope you will have an episode about the liars paradox (I dont think you have it yet?)
    Keep up the great work!!

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Thanks! I’d love to cover the liar paradox at some point. There are so many different angles. In the meanwhile, have you listened to William P. Nava’s interview with Stephen Read? I thought that was pretty interesting:

  5. BuddyBoss Avatar

    Where can I find the link to listen to the podcast. Kindly help.

  6. Matt Teichman Avatar

    Hi! Thanks for your interest.

    One simple way is to go to our show page at Pippa and click on the episode you want to hear:

    If you like what you hear and would like to hear it regularly, you can also subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or any podcast Android or iOS app by searching for ‘Elucidations.’

    Our iTunes page is here:

    Stitcher page here:

    Please feel free to follow up if you have any other questions or suggestions.

  7. Mukesh Patel Avatar

    Please tell me, where can I find the link to listen to the podcast.

  8. Suresh chowdary Avatar

    Really nice social groups podcast by Katherine Ritchie ..!

  9. Satish Kumar Ithamsetty Avatar

    The podcasts are really good. thanks

  10. dreampirates Avatar

    The podcasts are really good. thanks

  11. Peter Avatar

    Hey Matt, how are you? Peter here I just want to tell you that your podcast is very useful. I hope you will share more in the future…cheers buddy..

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks! Just wanted to say we’re moving the blog to a new address, so please check back there for future updates!

  12. Tryootech Avatar

    Hi Matt,
    I not getting your podcast on Spotify. As I was searching for a while and not getting so thought of connecting with you. I am from India and the majority of people use Spotify over iTunes.

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Hi! Thanks for getting in touch. Here’s the link to our Spotify page:

  13. Priya Shekhawat Avatar

    Can you share your new blog address

  14. Tech4help Avatar

    Hi Matt,
    I not getting your podcast on Spotify. As I was searching for a while and not getting so thought of connecting with you. I am from India and the majority of people use Spotify over iTunes
    My website is

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Thanks for listening!

      The Spotify page is here:

      Also note the new blog address:

      1. Shiftdigitally Avatar

        Thanks a lot, Matt for sharing your blog URL here with us. I m very excited to visit your blog. I m from India. I always love to hear your podcast on spotify. Keep publishing and sharing with us.

  15. Harjot Avatar

    This is by far the best podcast about (hardcore) philosophy I have listened to. I recently built a homepage where philosophy is discussed and I have links to your podcast which is updated through rss feeds for trying to support it.
    My forum are mostly for a swedish audience but I hope to develope it further for a wider group. I hope you continue your excellent work! I also hope you will have an episode about the liars paradox (I dont think you have it yet?)
    Keep up the great work!!

    1. Matt Teichman Avatar

      Thanks so much! The liar paradox would indeed be a great topic to cover.

      1. Cannan Ramdy Avatar

        Much appreciated, Matt for sharing your blog URL here with us. I m exceptionally eager to visit your blog. I m here from Pennsylvania. I generally love to hear your digital broadcast on itunes. Continue distributing and imparting to us

  16. deepthi Avatar

    The podcasts are really awesome. thanks for sharing

  17. Sourav khan Avatar

    Hi Matt,
    After much searching, I found your Shopify ID, Really this is a very good aspect for me

  18. Akhilesh Avatar

    Nice post with a great quality of content. This is really helpful content. Thanks for sharing such a informative information..

  19. Bloggerstutor Avatar

    This podcast is awesome liked it. I always liked it.

  20. Harjot Avatar

    Awesome podcast

  21. linktr Avatar

    Very nice information about Lucian good website

  22. Annie Malhotra Avatar

    Really awesome podcasts. thanks for sharing

  23. Amreen Avatar

    Thank you for this awesome podcast. i love it

  24. Abhay Gautam Avatar

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for sharing this podcast. Really loved and enjoyed your podcast episode on counterfactual conditionals and how they are applied. Keep sharing such interesting podcast. Keep up the good work…


  25. Harjot Avatar

    Thanks for lovely podcast

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