Asian Sound Revolution

Co-sponsored by the International House Global Voices Program.

JIn Hi Kim & Min Xiao-Fen

Concert followed by Q&A with Jin Hi Kim and Min Xiao-Fen
Saturday, May 7th 2016
Assembly Hall, International House
1414 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637

Asian Sound Revolution, features internationally acclaimed musicians Jin Hi Kim and Min Xiao-Fen, who each experiment with new approaches towards traditional East Asian instruments and musical genres.  Both artists have won numerous awards for their compositions and have focused their careers on artistic collaboration and education to bridge musical traditions across cultures and time.  Asian Sound Revolution presents both traditional and modern Korean and Chinese music and the blending of genres and cultural tropes that transcend national and regional borders.

Come enjoy an innovative performance that features traditional, fretted string instruments, breathtaking vocals, as well as electric and prepared versions of the pipa and komungo, which provide for a futuristic sound.  The komungo is a six-stringed zither indigenous to Korea that originated in the fourth century.  The pipa — sometimes called the Chinese lute — is a plucked string instrument with a pear-shaped wooden body that has been played for nearly 2,000 years in China.

The performance will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience and a reception.

If you’ve missed the Asian Sound Revolution concert, part of it is now available on Youtube! Check it out: