Category: students

  • Department welcomes new faces!

    A warm welcome to this year’s cohort of new graduate students as well as Luisandro Mendes de Souza, who is visiting us from Brazil. Here’s what they have to say about themselves: Carissa Abrego: “I come to Chicago after living in sunny Southern California for 21 years. My undergraduate years were spent first at UCLA…

  • LSA and SSILA Acceptances

    Chicago will be well-represented at the upcoming Jaunary LSA and SSILA in San Francisco! Congratulations to the following students and faculty for their acceptances! LSA Peter Alrenga: Stipulated vs. Asserted Anaphora. Adam Baker: Phonology as Compression: Capturing Vowel Harmony. Tommy Grano: Predicating gradable adjectives in Mandarin Chinese: Should we posit POS? April Grotberg: The prosody…

  • Busy Fall for Chicago East Asian Linguists

    Tommy Grano and Eun Hae Park will be presenting at the Second International Conference on East Asian Linguistics, to be held in Vancouver in November: Thomas Grano: Chang-Chang, Wang-Wang, and Domain Restriction in Mandarin Quantificational Adverbs Eun-Hae Park: An Expressive Analysis of –na in Korean and its Free Choice Component Eun-Hae, Osamu Sawada and Suwon Yoon…

  • Giannakidou and Yoon at Sinn und Bedeutung 13

    Anastasia Giannakidou and Suwon Yoon will be presenting “Metalinguistic Functions and the Expressive Dimension: Expressive Comparatives in Greek and Korean” at Sinn und Bedeutung 13 in Stuttgart (Sept 30-Oct 2).

  • Kirby awarded the Hanna Gray Fellowship

    Congratulations to James Kirby, who has been awarded a three-year Hanna Holborn Gray Advanced Fellowship! This fellowship is given annually to one third-year student in the Humanities division and one in the humanistic Social Sciences. We are very proud of James for receiving this honor.