Category: students

  • Publication congratulations . . .

    . . . are due to two fourth-year Ph.D. students, Osamu Sawada and Jackie Bunting! Osamu’s manuscript “Pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison: An economy-based approach” was accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Pragmatics.  As department chair Chris Kennedy has expressed, “This is a very impressive achievement indeed — well done, Osamu!”…

  • Ph.D. candidate getting published in SLA journal

    Alejandro Paz, Ph.D. candidate for the joint degree in Anthropology and Linguistics, has won the annual prize given by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology for a graduate student paper. “The Circulation of Chisme and Rumor: Gossip, Evidentiality and Authority in the Perspective of Latino Labor Migrants in Israel”  will appear in an upcoming issue of…

  • Debenport to present at annual anthropology conference

    The 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, which will be in San Francisco from November 19 through 23, will include a paper given by Chicago’s own Erin Debenport. Erin’s paper, “Private Notice: Negotiating Secrecy in Public Uses of a Pueblo Language,” is part of the excitingly titled panel “Privates and Counterprivates,” which will focus…

  • Chicago Linguistic Society site launch

    The highly anticipated and newly redesigned web page of the venerable Chicago Linguistic Society has now been launched, so please be sure to visit the new site for more information and updates from CLS 45!   

  • Wier awarded Fulbright-Hayes grant

    Thomas Wier was recently awarded a Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad grant to do dialectological study of morphological and syntactic feature hierarchies across six Georgian dialects and two other Kartvelian languages. He will begin his journey in Leipzig and move to Tbilisi for fieldwork in February. Congratulations, Tom!